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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I do want word to get out, but I am so busy with my kids right now (why I stopped doing candles) that I don't want to get too busy and not have time for my family!!! Steph
  2. I took some of my hp soap into my hairdresser for her to try out. She showed it to one of her coworkers and she loved it so much she bought 2 bars!!! She said it would be nice in a candle too (it was Buttercream Crunch from WYW). I am not making candles any more due to lack of time, but I do have some tart wax I could use. All I need to do is order more of the fo!!! I just hope word doesn't get around too fast and more people want it! Steph
  3. Those all look great! i bet they smell good too! Steph
  4. Vegetable oil is soy oil (at least the walmart brand is all soy). I have found coconut, safflower, canola, and soy at my local walmart (super, but not very big). We don't have any ethnic markets around here (western PA), so I am looking around for Palm!! Steph
  5. Michi, I can do math, so anyone can do it. I struggled so hard in high school with math, but in college, I got an A!! Dh still wonders how I did it. Anyways, try the MMS one first and that will help you get your percentages down. Then try the soap calc and it will tell you what kind of bar you will get. Just play around with it a few more times and it will eventually click! Steph
  6. Those are totally awesome! You do wonderful things with your MP. It really does let people let their creative juices flow. I would so totally buy some of that if I saw it in a shop. Steph
  7. Those look great. I think the carrot soap will be great!! Steph
  8. OMG!!! That totally sounds like something I would do. That is too funny. Just the other night I was looking for the baby's bottle (he is good at losing it). Here I put it up on a book case. I was looking all over the floor, and I just needed to look up! Thanks for the laugh. Steph
  9. It does look yummy! I bet it smells great. Can't wait to hear how it does for you. What will you soap with next??? Stephanie
  10. Thanks for posting this. It is very informative. Stephanie
  11. LOVIN' that purple!! Those swirls and layers are awesome! Stephanie
  12. That is very pretty!! I might have to sample that FO. I can't wait to see the soap cut. Steph
  13. I have a recipe that calls for using actual baby powder in the soap. I haven't tried it yet, but that might be my next batch! Stephanie
  14. That looks great and I bet your boys will love it! Stephanie
  15. If you want to cut down on the cyclo a bit, you can always mix some soybean oil in, up to 50%. I don't sell, but I do make them for myself and family in 2 oz size. SInce you don't have to use a lot, you don't go through it as fast as you might lotion or body wash. PLus, they are easier to take with you!! HTH, Stephanie
  16. That almost looks like CP! Very nice I bet it smells nice too. STeph
  17. I love Fruit Slices! Looks great. Steph
  18. THe ones from Michael's or Joanns seem to be really cheap, I have one that cracked already and I only used it maybe once or twice (they are life of the party). Steph
  19. That is very pretty!! I bet it smells as good as it looks. Steph
  20. That is really pretty for your first try! Steph
  21. Those are so awesome! LOVE the swirls. Steph
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