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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Those are both really pretty, but I love the blue and white one! Steph
  2. WOW, that is pretty soap. I have no clue what it might smell like, but I would definitely pick that up and look and smell! I NEED to make soap, but probably not today. Steph
  3. That is very cute! I am sure little kids and big kids alike would like something like that! Stephanie
  4. Thanks for posting this, Spellkast!! I will definitely be trying my oxides soon! Steph
  5. That looks great. I bet it feels great too. Steph
  6. About the colors, I think I remember seeing on a site that they used the cake colorings (from Wilton), but I can't remember if that was for CP or MP. I think you could use the food coloring, but it will probably fade. And, I think if you want true color, you will have to add some titanium dioxide to make it white first. I just got some from the classifieds and can't wait to try it!!! About the smell, mine smell sort of funny too. I wonder if it is different for HP and CP???? SOrry if I am not much help, but I am still learning too! Steph
  7. You are too funny! I have to try CP my next time around, but HP is pretty fun too. Can't wait to see pics! Steph
  8. Now I would definitely buy that if I saw it in a store!! That is totally awesome. I like "Fruit Twist" or "Kaleidoscope (sp)". Great job!! Steph
  9. Since I gave up candles because of lack of time, I am LOVING soap and bath and body. Just need to save some money up for those supplies (thank goodness for co-ops). It is addicting. Stephanie
  10. Some oils just won't mix. If you want to use that oil, but don't want people to see it not mixed, you may have to use a darker bottle or aluminum that you can't see through. HTH, Stephanie
  11. Thanks Robin!! I had forgotten I asked this question, until I was looking through a soap book tonight and remembered. I am just so used to doing everything by weight that it never occurred to me that it might be liquid for water. That is useful knowledge! Stephanie
  12. That is awesome!! I bet it smells great. Your soaps are fantastic. I might have to order some! Steph
  13. They are both very nice, but I LOVE the packaging for the love spell. I agree, that would be cute for a baby shower, maybe in a different scent. Steph
  14. That looks cool. I might have to try some shaving soap. Steph+
  15. Looks great! It is addicting. Maybe you will try CPHP again and it will workout, since you don't have to wait for it to cure! STeph
  16. Those are great colors and would look great as watermelon. Great job, Steph
  17. I don't think it is ugly at all. I love it. I bet it smells really good too. I can't wait to try some more EO in soaping. Steph
  18. That looks wonderful! I agree with fur, if it were cut on the counter, I would definitely try to eat it! I bet it smells great! Steph
  19. I have been weighing my water for my HP soaps, should I be using liquid measurements instead? My soaps have turned out fine (a little soft, but after they sit for a bit, they harden nicely). THanks, Steph
  20. Those look good. I can't wait to try some lip balm. Steph
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