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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Those are cute and they look just like the wonder pets (not my favorite show, but I can tolerate it better than Barney, LOL). That is an odd spelling for that name, never seen it that way before! Steph
  2. Dee, I know it says about all those other scents, but maybe my sniffer just smells the coconut and lime. It is a very nice clean scent.
  3. Dee, I posted on your other post about Coconut Lime and BW also has a great Rice Flower and Shea and it is also on sale. http://www.backwoodsfragrancesupply.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=326 Since they are in PA it wouldn't take long to get to ya either. Steph
  4. Start out with 50/50 and then adjust from there. Only you know what you are looking for! If you are looking for an already mixed on, BW has a great one that is all lime and coconut. And it is on sale!!! It rocks in soap, bath and body, and candles. http://www.backwoodsfragrancesupply.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=332 Steph
  5. Looks neat, even if it doesn't match the FO! Steph
  6. Thanks, sandy. I will definitely come up with something similar. MIne should be here on Tuesday. Steph
  7. They are nice! Too bad they don't smell, huh? At least you got the technique down without having to worry about it getting too thick too fast. Steph
  8. They all look neat, but I love the first one. Steph
  9. That is funny. It does look like nothing I have ever seen before! Definitely fits the swap theme. Steph
  10. I just had a major DUH moment while working with my labels. I had been fighting with my water proof labels from LBTS. They would totally print off and I have wasted so much time and money trying to figure it out. However, I was playing around today while making address labels for my tester enevelopes and I found White Waterproof labels in my label stock choices! Tried it and got two perfect labels printed out for my 2x4's. Now I am gonna try my larger labels. Anyways, just thought I would share. I use Print Shop 15. Major duh moment that will hopefully save a lot of headaches and money in the future. Steph
  11. Congrats! Hope you get more. I have only had one order since January! I do need to advertise it a bit more. Steph
  12. Unfortunately not soap or candles! My middle son turned 5 today so I just finished his cake and after I am done eating breakfast, I am gonna clean, clean, and clean! His party is at 6, but I am sure I will be wooped before then. Tomorrow we will probably just take it easy and do something as a family. Sunday is church and then lunch at my mom's and supper at his mom's! Our kids are off monday, so we are going to my mom's to make pierogies with my sil and nephews and my sis and mom. Steph P.S. When I do get back to soaping, I will be making some Breeze in the Keys and goat's milk soap.
  13. Ance, these are just sold in a co-op. If you do a search for Coffee tealight warmers on yahoo (or google) you will find some. Steph
  14. Well, I did have most of my prices set to .95, but figured even dollars were easier! I will have to think about it. Walmart's prices are rarely even, so I guess that does make sense. Steph
  15. Since it isn't cosmetic, you won't need ingredients. Just your company name and the net wt! Steph
  16. Thanks, Southern. My cost included shipping and the hostess fee. My melts are $1.25 for a two pack. I am thinking maybe $6.25 or $6.50 with a tealight and melts included. Steph
  17. I just ordered 10 of these from the co-op and can't wait to get them for my show in April. I currently have some from Jackel and I originally sold them for $14, but marked them down to $10 so I could get rid of them! I also gave away 2 free packs of melts with them (my two packs are around 1 oz each). My cost for the Coffee Cup warmers is $2.52, so marking them up 3 times is around $7.50. i would only give away 1 pack of free melts with these because I can't afford to give too much more away right now with prices the way they are. Just wondering what everyone else gets for theirs! Thanks, Steph
  18. Friday evenings are usually best for me for parties (and if it falls on a payday) or sometimes a saturday. I have gone to many of these parties, but my sil will be doing my first one in June, after the kids are out of school. I am anxious, yet nervous, because I don't like being in front of people! Steph
  19. Looks good! Sounds like you are addicted. Glad your hubby came through for ya! Steph
  20. I think the colors look good! Let us see how it turns out. Steph
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