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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. You have been busy! They all look great. Steph
  2. Mine are between 3.5 and 4 oz. when fully cured. Steph
  3. THose are cool, I almost needed to get my shades! Steph
  4. Very nice! I always use the shrink wrap basket bags from the Dollar Tree, they have a few different types. I have cut them down for smaller baskets, but I don't think you will need to do that! I am sure it will bring in lots of money! Steph
  5. I am gonna order from them soon, along with the Bug Off EO blend. Steph
  6. That is just so neat! Can't wait to see them cut. Steph
  7. Very nice. It might have gone quicker, too, because it was small. The balls are usually bigger, maybe 2-3 oz (not sure because I haven't looked at them in a while). Glad you had fun! Steph
  8. They both look nice. I haven't tried Salt Bars yet, but it is on my to do list! Steph
  9. Citrus Splash, BW Breeze in the Keys, BW Tropical Tango, BW Sea Salt Breeze, BW Passionfruit and Guava, BW Rosemary Mint, and C&S Peonies and Peaches are the ones I have off the top of my head. I need to get soaping, too, to get ready for my first show in April. Steph
  10. Those shelves are great! I have one in my pantry closet in my new kitchen and it holds a ton! When I get the money, I will definitely be buying one for my storage room! Steph
  11. Sorry that has happened! I think I would say no to doing it again, too! Steph
  12. Your soaps all look great!! I love that you used the embeds as stamps! Steph
  13. I think I am gonna pass on this for now. I could see if it was a higher priced item, but I couldn't make much off of my JJ candles this way. Steph
  14. I talked to Robert (the guy that called). He is with www.shopzeus.com . It is dropshipping, but I am just not sure about it right at this point. I am still small and not sure if I can handle up to 30 orders a day (although it would be easier if I could make a whole case at a time of 5 scents and have them ready to ship out). I need to email him back and find out how much I am going to be making off them, too. Steph
  15. I am able to get my wax locally (from BW), so that does help. They also carry J223 and it was a bit more expensive when I first started with the soy. now there is only .01 difference. I am gonna try and buy at least 2 cases to get me through, since I won't be adding more than a few new scents until fall. What a bad time to try and get business going! Steph
  16. Well, it is a landline, so it may just be legit. I will be calling him back tomorrow. Steph
  17. The start of the elderberry looks nice, too bad it turned on ya! I had BC's Oakmoss do that and it looked horrible! Steph
  18. Wow, I would have no patience for those little itty bitty dots! That looks fabulous. I think you came up with a great new technique! Steph
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