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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I had a phone call last week and then one today about a guy named Robert wanting me to dropship my candles for his website. I can't make out what his website is, so I am not even sure what they carry. I told dh that I would wait to see if he calls back and he has, so I will try calling tomorrow. Is there anyway to find out the location of a phone number? The area code is from FL, so at least it is in the states. Anyone else have a similar call??? Just wondering if it is legit. I just put my candles on in the past few months, I just can't imagine they would want mine! Steph
  2. Those all look great. I don't think I could pick just one. About not soaping since Christmas, I have only made one batch since this fall! I am trying to get rid of what I have so I can make room for more. Steph
  3. I did the same thing with candle jar lids. I ordered more from BW because I could get them in a day, then I found mine hiding in a basket under some other stuff! I hope it turns up. Steph
  4. I just found this while browsing around for patterns: http://www.e-patternscentral.com/ Steph
  5. I tried it with clear and ivory and it worked okay on the clear (from LBTS), but the labels came undone in the shower on my shower gel bottles, then it made a sticky mess on the bottle. On the ivory labels, all came off but the black. Steph
  6. That has to be the most gorgeous HP soap I have ever seen! I bet it smells great, too. Steph
  7. I was gonna say try cleaning the cartridges. My HP was doing this last week (not printing yellow). It was an old cartridge. The only problem I have printing now is my water resistant labels for my bath and body. It only prints every other one correctly! Good luck, Steph
  8. That first swirl almost looks likes CP! I was wondering there for a minute. They all look great, though. Steph
  9. I use that I usually heat to around 175, add fragrance and color as soon as I pour and stir really well. Cool to and pour around 140. Usually don't have a problem. I use CD wicks in my jelly jars. Some fo's don't throw well in soy. I have only had a handful that haven't thrown. Steph
  10. I have done 6 pounds in one day. I don't sell it that fast, so I try not to make too much so that I run out of room, as it is limited, too. Steph
  11. Very nice! You alway get such nice and pretty colors. Steph
  12. Yeah, I went with soy because it was cheaper and I can get it locally. This year isn't going to be good. Steph
  13. Pure Soy went up since I had bought too. Need to get another case as I just emptied mine out from the fall. Steph
  14. They all look great! The candles and the photos are awesome! Steph
  15. I have to do mine during the day. I usually mix my lye up the night before and warm my oils as soon as possible in the morning incase they have solidified too much. My evenings are busy with homework and supper and other bedtime activities for the boys. Steph
  16. I think the colors look great! I haven't been too impressed with the colors from Chemistry Store for CP soap. Steph
  17. I am glad it went as well as it did with all this weather we had the past two days. I am so thankful for my mom and sil because they were such a big help. Had 11 buying guests and made about $175, after taxes, so not too bad for my first try. I will be adding home parties this spring, too. P.S. I will add pics tomorrow, as I am too tired to get my camera out of the car and then get my pics to my computer! Plus I want to go play in the snow with my boys. Steph
  18. Those are pretty! I love the labels. Simple and classy. Steph
  19. I use the basic lotion and it is great, especially for the price. I am playing around with their lotion concentrate, just need to get it out to my testers! I used the bubble wash concentrate when I first started, but it was too thick and didn't give very good bubbles for baths, but worked okay for shower gel. I used the body wash for a while but now I am using the suspending shower gel for washes and bubble bath, seems to work good. HTH, Steph
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