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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Well, tonight it is Women's Night at church and I am getting out of the house! We only had 2 1/2 days of school week because of snow, so I need to be without my kids for a few hours. Tomorrow I am working on packaging my soap for my open house next Saturday. Need to Dan's Band it and make labels. ALso need to start pricing my stuff for next weekend, as well. Steph
  2. THe basil sage mint should stick. Mine still smells good after a few months, and I think I used less than 1 oz pp. I think all the soaps look great! I tried doing a pink, white and black swirl with BW Pink Pepperberry, but it ended up in globs because I didn't work fast enough! NO acceleration, I just waited too long to color it. Steph
  3. That is great! I would have loved to received something like that after my kids were born. Steph
  4. Gorgeous! I think the purple ones are my favs, but I like the very first ones, too. Steph
  5. They look great! Sometimes the ash helps the swirls look better. My soaps have been doing that chalky thing, too. I wait for a few days until they are set up and then wash them. The only other thing might be to run the tops over a shaver (I want to buy a beveler like the ones on Kangaroo Blue). I am in PA and I think it has to do with the weather. Steph
  6. That is funny. I might have to threaten my boys with that, since they are always playing with themselves. Steph
  7. COngrats! I am having my first open house on FEburary 23rd in my mom's sewing shop. I am clearancing a lot of stuff and putting my new spring scents out. Hopefully people will have their tax money so they can spend! Steph
  8. I have had a few of them in my cart, but never ordered. I wish they weren't so far away. HOpefully, if my sales pick up, I can add a few for this summer and get different ones for fall. I asked her about co-op pricing, but she said they don't do that any more. Her prices are very good, though. Steph
  9. Very pretty! Not bad for your first try. Are you addicted yet??? Steph
  10. Looks pretty good, even though it gave you fits. Steph
  11. Woah, those are bright! Pretty, but bright! Steph
  12. Well, I have to pour an order and then work on getting the rest of my jars washed so I can start pouring for my open house in 2 weeks. That said, I need to get the rest of my soap packaged up and get all my clearance stuff together and price it so I can make room for all my new scents! Steph
  13. Very nice! I like the Meditteranian one the best, although they all look great. Steph
  14. Here is a conversion chart (click on the % conversion chart, it is a PDF File) from WSP. Lotions only use 1% of fragrances. I have never had this lotion go runny on me, it stays thick. http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/StoreCategory.aspx?CatalogID=12&GroupID=705&CategoryID=1716&CategoryName=Conversion+Charts HTH, Steph
  15. Yeah, 2007 was my first full year and I still had a loss, but hoping to turn that around in the next two years. Congrats! Steph
  16. http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/StoreCategory.aspx?CatalogID=9&GroupID=303&CategoryID=554&CategoryName=Malibu+Tottle+Bottles http://www.elementsbathandbody.com/Malibu-Bottles-c-116.html HTH, Steph
  17. I would love to try and make this, but July is usually extremely busy for us with our anniversary, 2 nephew's birthdays now, my sil usuall comes in from CO towards the end of the month, too! Steph
  18. Yes, If your candle doesn't get a full melt pool in the amount of time it is supposed to (burn 1 hour for every inch of diameter. My Jelly Jars are 2.5" wide, so I burn for at least 2.5 hours). Full melt pool for containers is the diameter and no more than 1/4" deep melted. Plus, you don't want your wick to smoke and flicker. It will flicker a bit more once it burns down some because it is searching for oxygen, just keep it trimmed a bit more. Some fragrances (like vanillas and spices) are a bit heavier, so you may have to wick up on those as well as those that you use a bit more color on. Good luck! Steph
  19. Very nice! I can never get my HP to look nice. Lavendar may not seem strong, but it sure sticks out among other scents. Steph
  20. That looks cool! Can't wait to see it cut! Steph
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