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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I made a castille type with shea butter, RBO, Sunflower, and castor. Added goats milk at trace and it was a super bar! I need to make some more of it and plan on doing a pretty big discount this time. Steph
  2. That second one sure looks exotic! I wish I had time to play with pillars. Steph
  3. I am just changing out some of my fo's and products. Adding a few (getting rid of clamshell melts because they haven't sold well). I am planning an open house for February 18, so working to get my new scents tested and out there for people to order! Steph
  4. Very nice! It is nice to have an area to just make stuff in and not have to worry about cleaning it up to make lunch or supper. Steph
  5. I hadn't read that at the top of the page. That is so sad. I will send prayers their way. Steph
  6. I have been wanting to try some other flavors (besides the normal fruits, chocolate, etc). Has anyone tried RJ's? My other option for price is Oregon trails! Steph
  7. Thanks again to all those who replied. I will definitely talk to my accountant when I get our personal taxes done, which is soon. I also want to find out about the testing supplies, because that would have a definite affect on how much I carry of each product! I will start keeping track of what I use for personal gifts and my family. Just what I needed, more money and work to keep track of! I wish I could pay my accountant to do my books, but not right now! Steph
  8. So, if I take my candles (even testers) for myself or gifts, would I pay the tax on my cost or my retail cost? I wish I had known this before I started selling. Also, does this include any give aways? Steph
  9. Do you have to count it even for testing? Man, that seems like a lot of money wasted on Use Tax. I guess I will have to start keeping track of it. That is ridiculous! Steph
  10. Okay, that makes sense. I will talk to my account just to make sure. Seems like they get you either way! Steph
  11. I am trying to get a straight answer here because I got a letter in the mail saying that I haven't paid any use tax since opening my business (and I haven't). I looked at the paper that the state of PA sent it looks like I would have to pay tax on out of state purchases of furniture, or office items. that I don't pay tax on. I asked my accountant and she said that I would only have to pay a use tax on it if I bought it for my business and then used it for personal use. I am totally confused. I tried calling the state tax office, but they were closed because of Martin Luther King. Steph
  12. I have mine through Benchmark. Very reasonably priced and you have a choice of different coverages. Stephanie
  13. Looks neat in the mold. Can't wait to see some cut pics! steph
  14. I like Purple Rain. Everything looks great! I just quit using BSM, but when I used it I called it Herbal Fusion. Steph
  15. Well, I didn't care for either base and decide to get the Caprol Micro Express from Lotioncrafter. So far I like the formulation I have come up with. As for the lotion bases, I am currently using the Basic Lotion base from WSP, but didn't like that it didn't contain many oils. I just got the lotion and cream creator in and will be playing with that this week. I am going to try a regular lotion recipe using the recipe from their site, with a few modications, and then a shea/oatmeal lotion (like St. Ives) as well. Steph
  16. I use their basic lotion and it is okay, but i just got the Lotion and Cream Creator in and will be trying that. There aren't many oils in the premade bases, so I figured I would make one with oils that I choose. I will let everyone know how it goes. Steph
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