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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Can't even begin to answer your questions, but wanted to say congrats on making a forever pillar. They are on my list if I ever get a chance to play with pillars. Steph
  2. Very nice! i agree, people just aren't spending as much with gas and food prices going up. I took a few new scents of melts down to the salon I have my stuff in and the Hazelnut Coffee ones were gone as soon as I walked out the door. Maybe just try making stuff smaller and selling it for less and people might buy. Steph
  3. I tried a few different mixes and could never get rid of the WH smell. I am working on a different formulation as I haven't found a premade that I am totally thrilled with! Steph
  4. I bet all the answers to this will be to get insurance! If not, you could lose your house and much more if someone decides to sue you. You should be able to get a good rate somewhere. What state are you in??? Steph
  5. Very nice and very professional and relaxing. Steph
  6. I like both. I wanted to pick up some of the holiday ones, but didn't think I would have time to test them. I do have similar ones from a LONG time ago that are the same shape and they did burn nice, double wicked. I may pick some up so I have some to start testing with early next year. Steph
  7. I do not have time to do craft shows (barely have time to make what I do try and get done, LOL). I do want to get a mailing list form for my 2 stores I have stuff in, will hopefully work on that this weekend. Steph
  8. Very nice! I love the River Dog, he is so cute! Steph
  9. Thanks, Island Girl. I will try and get to that tonight. I am glad you liked my site. I did it myself (well, I bought the background and stuff, but did everything else myself). Steph
  10. I have a bravenet code in my site for people to sign up for my mailing list. It has been there for over a month. I have only had one person sign up for it. I also just sent out a new newsletter with information that if they sign up for the mailing list their name will be put into a drawing for a $5 gift certificiate. No one has signed up yet! I am getting really frustrated with little to no sales. I don't think my site looks that bad and I think my prices are pretty fair. I hate to put money into my products (especially since I have to buy on credit right now) if they are just going to sit there. Anyone have any other tips to bring them to my site? I am planning on having a few holiday sales a bit closer to thanksgiving and I understand that people are getting tighter with money having to pay for heating and regular gas for cars going up. Thanks, Steph
  11. I think they look great! I have been soaping for over 2 years now and still couldn't get a swirl like that! Steph
  12. Thanks for the tips, guys! I will try playing with it today, if it doesn't work, I will just order the full sheets and deal with it! Steph
  13. My HP was causing my computer to start and keep restarting without going back to last good configuration. It was really annoying and was messing my computer up bad! I never had trouble with it before my computer crashed (I think it got hit by lightning). If I can't get it to work with these labels, I will just go with the full sheets. Steph
  14. Now they seem to be lining up okay. I have used these for over a year and never had this much trouble. I spoke too soon, they are giving me fits again. AAHHHHHHHH!!! I may just end up buying full sheets for everything and cutting them (which I have to do anyways for my bath and body labels). Steph
  15. Very calming and professional! I love it and would order from it if I came across it. Steph
  16. Not sure what you mean about the label being inline with the text and not behind it, but I have aligned my printer a few times and it still isn't working consistently. I did just print out some 2x4 ivory labels for my ornies and they worked fine. Tried to print out my waterproof ones and it lined it up with the very top of the page. Steph
  17. Okay, I had to buy a new printer because my old one was screwing my computer up. Well, this is an HP inkjet like my other one, but is a cheaper model (less than $100). It is an all in one the same as my other one. I just ordered some labels from LBTS and the ivory ones aren't lining up right! I just tried my water proof ones and they aren't working right either. I just ruined a whole sheet of labels and I would like to get these done by Thursday so I can get my products out! I just don't know how to fix it. I hate the look of plain white labels for my stuff and really like the buff ivory ones. MY old printer didn't get them quite cented on the label, but it wasn't totally off like they are now. Please help before I pull what hair I have left out!!! Steph
  18. That is awesome looking soap!! STeph
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