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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. It looks nice, even though it changed on ya! Steph
  2. Maybe a vanilla, mint type or cranberry or something along those lines.
  3. Backwoods has a nice Huckleberry Blues. I have smelled it, but haven't tried it in anything yet. Steph
  4. This is an interesting thread. I never thought about the names that Scented suggested. I am going to print these out to give me ideas for next year! Steph
  5. This has been on my list almost since I started soaping, but haven't had the money to buy one yet. Steph
  6. I have found that oxides give me the best colors, but I either use too much or not enough, LOL!!! I have the liquids from The Chemistry Store, but I am still not getting the colors I want sometimes. I have also used a few herbs, but haven't gotten into many other natural colorants. I know many of them use Select Shades, but I haven't tried those yet. Steph
  7. I didn't have a chance to read all the responses, but I like the border. I have borders on most of my larger labels and I think it just finishes it off. Steph
  8. Those look great! That is my kind of cupcake. Steph
  9. I can't pic a favorite because they are all super gorgeous! Steph
  10. I mix my lye with 4 oz of water and then add the remaining liquid as goats milk at trace. Works well for me and it doesn't change color. Steph
  11. I could use some butter! I need to stock up for holiday baking! Steph
  12. I was just there on Friday and didn't even look at that stuff. I bought a few from the Dollar Tree, but they are too small for my mini muffin melts. Steph
  13. Awww, thanks bug! You don't know what that means to me. Brenda is definitely an inspiration for soap and I love scented's candles. Another great pillar maker is Judy Vega. I wish I had time to play with pillars, but I can barely find time to make the few things that I do make! Steph
  14. That is great! I am hoping things pick up for me soon, as I don't do shows since I don't have time for them right now. Steph
  15. Sorry they didn't take your trick, but they do look so real! Steph
  16. I am hoping to get enough sales to be able to purchase it this winter. The inventory feature would be nice! Steph
  17. I think most of the soapers on here only use the KA for whipped soap, and use the sticker blender for regular soap batches. They do use the KA mixer for mixing lotions and other stuff, and you should use a separate mixer for that because of the FO and other ingredients. I hope I answered your questions! Steph
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