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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I am in a small town, but there is only one other candle maker that I know of and no one else that sells soap or bath and body any more. I am going to concentrate on getting my products made and getting my name out there. I am not giving up yet, just was getting down. We have been finishing our house addition and that has taken up some time, but it is nearly finished, so I can concentrate on getting other things done. Steph
  2. Looks sort of like Camo! I bet it smells yummy. steph
  3. I have the ones from The Chemistry Store and you can mix lots of different colors with them. I have only used them in CP soap far, but they work great. Will be trying them in lotions and washes this weekend. Steph
  4. Very nice! Sounds like an awesome gift bag for a wedding. Steph
  5. I have the sleepy time blend, but haven't tried it yet. I want to try it in some bubble bath or bath oil, lotion, salve, and linen spray. Steph
  6. Very nice! I have never used a lightbox. I have a door in my kitchen (well fo now, we are getting the new one ready this weekend) that allows light in and that is where I get my light from! Steph
  7. I would love to be doing candle and soap stuff, but instead today I am painting, tomorrow we are laying floor in our addition and putting roof on (steel roof). If I am at all lucky, I may be able to start cleaning out my work area and getting ready to set up shop in there! Steph
  8. I prefer matte, but if you were doing them for special orders, give them the option of which lid (If you want to carry both). If not, stick with what the majority want! It is a lid and will be coming off when they burn it anyways! Steph
  9. The baby is adorable! The hat is cute, too. Love the color. Steph
  10. Here is a helpful tool for figuring shipping: http://www.soapmaker.ca/tools.htm I have been trying to make it a point when I get a new shipment to enter it into this spreadsheet so I can get a more exact cost for my products! Steph
  11. I haven't done one, yet, but would love to know more about it. The only problem I am having trouble with is shipping. I guess they could just order and have it shipped normally and then the hostess just get a percentage of the sale as usual. Or you could wait until everyone orders and then ship it all at once, but then again, not sure how that works. The way I have seen others do it is to generate a special code and send out invites with certain dates of when the party will open and close and then forward that to the person throwing the party and she could forward it on to her guests. Hopefully someone with experience will chime in! Steph
  12. You are beautiful! Your hair is very pretty and the sweater is gorgeous, too! Steph
  13. Thanks for the tips, everyone. I really could do more advertising, I want to get an ad in the local classifieds, plus get my products out there. I will be approaching more people about doing parties. Unfortunately, I do not have the time or money to do craft shows right now (3 little boys), but maybe in the future. I am not giving up yet, just trying to get it going a bit more! Steph
  14. I have now been in business over a year and have yet to see many sales. August was great for me, but since then I haven't had any website orders or many regular sales in the shops I have my stuff in. I just added candles to my site (soy JJ and Pint square masons). I have added a scent of the month where everything available in that scent is 20% off. My sil sent my newsletter on to 18 or so of her friends, so I am hoping that will at least get them looking. My cousin is holding a party for me, but that isn't until November. I would like to get some sales to pay off what I have bought and have the money to buy more so I can have some cash and carry on hand. I guess I am just frustrated. I have worked so hard in the past year (I am sure I could have worked harder), that i want to see some fruits from my labor! Steph
  15. I like it too, very clean and classy. Looks good with your jars! Steph
  16. I just cut my regular sized bars into 4 pieces (I guess you could cut them into half if you wanted to) and then I put them into little baggies and tie them with ribbon or jute and put a label with the scent and my site! Steph
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