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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Cute shapes and colors! I love the heart one! Steph
  2. Honey Gingerbread, Yummy Punkin', Pumpkin Cornbread, Patchouli, Macintosh Apple, Baked Apple, Black Irish (haven't tried this one yet, but I did smell it), Cinnamon Bun, Jakfruit Jam, Blackberry Patch, etc. There aren't many of their oils I don't like! I live about 20 minutes from Connie and she is great! You can't go wrong with any of their oils. Steph
  3. Very nice! I love the color, the jars, and everything. Steph
  4. RIght now I have 2 that I am quite happy with! One is for my scented soaps and the other is for my goats milk soaps. I guess I do have another that is for my kitchen soaps which includes Palm. Steph
  5. Very pretty and "fallish" Steph
  6. The green looks nice and vibrant! I bet they smell great. Steph
  7. I have read plenty of times on here to just go ahead and put the recipe in with all the oils and the new amount you want to make, that way there is no question! Live and learn, huh? Steph
  8. Very nice! I think either green or blue would look nice in the pictures (except for the soaps that HAVE to be pink, LOL). Steph
  9. Yikes!!! If I am not sure of a recipe, I go print out another one from Soapcalc! Steph
  10. I masterbatched enough oils for 30 batches of my soap (I make 2.5 and 3.5 pound batches for now). I will be making my lye water as needed because I don't feel safe masterbatching that. I want to make some layered soap, but not have to mix up separate batches of lye water. I will be making a 3 pound batch for this. Water for 3 pound batch: 15.8 oz Lye for 3 pound batch: 6.7 oz I want to make 3 layers of one pound each (I know that isn't recommended, but I have done it before with no problems). If I add that up and divide by three, I get 7.5 oz. So is it okay to go by 7.5 oz of mixed up solution? I also add sugar, sodium lactacte, salt, and silk, do I add all those in for my weight as well??? THanks, Steph
  11. Very pretty! What did you use for color??? Steph
  12. Bittercreek has a campfire smoke that smells like the real thing. I think I have a sample if you are interested in at least smelling it. Steph
  13. Very nice! I love the BW Pumpkin Pie in soap, it is so strong! Steph
  14. No clue on the wicking, but I love that candle. It really looks line an ocean. Steph
  15. That is awesome! I wouldn't even attempt to do that (even after 2 years of making soap). Can't wait to see it cut. Steph
  16. Very nice! I love all the different colors. Steph
  17. Very nice! I really didn't notice the jar in the back either, until it was pointed out. I also agree that it might look nicer with a dark background to make it pop a bit! Steph
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