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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I forgot to mention about using more scent as well. I have found that with quite a few different sprays that I have tried. Even BBW doesn't last all day. Steph
  2. Our accountant charged $25 for teaching my mom and i how to keep our books. Until I get a bit larger in my business, I will have to do my own. We do pay her to do our yearly income taxes though, I have no clue what to do there!!! Steph
  3. I tried the concentrate, but didn't care for it. I even added the pearlizer and foam booster and it still didn't last long. Steph
  4. I like WSP's Mist. I wanted to try and formulate my own, but haven't gotten around to trying any ingredients. I am thinking of adding a bit of silk to the mist. It works great on hair as well. I like the fact that it is alcohol free, too. Steph
  5. Baked Apple is yummy! I have it in a candle (Pure Soy), but haven't burnt it yet, may do so today. Yummy Punkin. This is the only one that wasn't super strong out of the 8 or so I poured after the first day. I am hoping it gets strong, because it is great in soap. Indian Summer is nice in soap, haven't used it in wax, yet. I smelled the Backwoods Baby, but didn't buy any just yet. Some others you might like to try are: Red Currant and Thyme Tea (great in lotions, soap, candles, etc) Cider 'n Sticks Macintosh Apple Honey Gingerbread Black Irish (just smelled, but it is yummy) Cinnamon Buns Hazelnut Coffee (only used at .8 oz pp, and it was still very strong. This one will be a hit). I love most of their FO and they are only about 20 minutes from me, so I can sniff quite frequently! Connie is a very nice person. HTH, Steph
  6. I am finally getting around to testing my fall fragrances in Wax! I am using CB Pure Soy, 1 tsp. coconut oil PP, and Universal additive. I used 1 oz pp, unless noted FO tested and results with Cold Throw: Cinnamon Bun Red Currant and Thyme Tea Cider and Sticks Baked Apple Lemon Tart Honey Gingerbread Mac Apple Hazelnut Coffee (very strong at .8 oz pp) Yummy Punkin The only one that doesn't have fantastic cold throw is the Punkin, maybe it just needs more time to cure. It smells great in CP soap, so hopefully it is just a good in Candles! I will update when I test for wicks and hot throw. Steph
  7. Backwoods fragrances all rock in CP!!! Steph
  8. I am in PA (they are in NJ). I had my stuff last fall in 2 days. Steph
  9. I like Backwoods Yummy Punkin Pie as well as their Pumpkin Cornbread. Steph
  10. Your labels are fabulous. I checked out you site, too. I love the simple elegance of everything. Steph
  11. One of the resale stores in our small town has you make the check out to "cash" so that it comes back on you and not them. That is the only place I have had asking you to do that, but... Steph
  12. You can use empty small milk cartons (like half and half come in). Gloworm even uses crystal light containers for her test batches, they slide right out and you can reuse them! Steph
  13. That is very pretty. What a lucky friend you have! Steph
  14. Wow, you have been busy!!! They all look great. Steph
  15. I need to pour a special order of Cool water for a friend. I also would like to find some order to my work room so I can start testing my fall candles (mostly BW scents). Steph
  16. I have had one for 3 years now, but I do use it for baking, and not candles (shame on me?) Steph
  17. I am willing to try and help, although after 2 years, I am still learning! Steph
  18. It looks good! Even if it was at a medium trace, it will be okay. It will just take a bit longer to cure! Steph
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