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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I use PKO in my main recipe, along with shortening and coconut. I use palm in my kitchen soap to make a harder bar! steph
  2. I like Labels by the Sheet as well, because you can order as many as you need or one sheet for testing! Steph
  3. I think I like the Granite the best! Steph
  4. That is cool looking! Doesn't even look like soap. Steph
  5. They look great! Colors can be tricky to work with, especially red. It is either too red or pink. Steph
  6. I guess they aren't really seasonal scents, just new ones I put out for summer. They are in my regular line, but since this is my first year selling, they are new to the season. Steph
  7. Those all look great!!! Just reminds me I need to get a beveler! Steph
  8. Looks cool, like it has coconut in it or something. Steph
  9. It sounds like you experienced ricing to some degree. At least you know what it looks like now! Your first swirl and soap look great! steph
  10. I LOVE the name! The stamp is super cute too. Steph
  11. No, but since my summer soaps don't seem to be selling, I may have to think about fall and winter! I have a few ideas. Steph
  12. Looks great! I have done that before and It really does save ya from throwing a batch away. Steph
  13. Those are neat looking> What sort of containers are the last picture? Steph
  14. That is cute! My brother would like that. Steph
  15. I am getting pretty good at % (and math was my worst subject until college when I think I finally got it, LOL). If you stick with a basic recipe (look in the recipe section here, lots of great ones), it is pretty simple. Steph
  16. That is great! What a great big brother you have (wish mine was half that nice, LOL). I am sure you will do great. I just noticed that we are about the same age, I will be 27 in October. Steph
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