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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. FCO is Fractionated Coconut Oil. I have tested several body sprays, but don't care for them. I will be working on a formulation soon. I will let you know how it goes. Steph
  2. BWC, you sound like you have built many shops! I might have to print that out in case I ever get big enough to have my own shop built. steph
  3. Looks great for your first! Steph
  4. How funny! I can see my boys doing something like that, after, of course, they have splashed all the water out of the tub, LOL! Steph
  5. Their lilac and Mac apple are also great throwers in soy. Steph
  6. Yes, my tape has been coming unstuck quite frequently. Thanks for the tip, E! Steph
  7. I must not have brought it to a full trace (wanted to get some nice swirls), because I have used the FO many times and never had a problem with it. I guess I will be rebatching today! Steph
  8. No, they are two totally different oils. PKO is a good base oil and it is hard. A good sub for PKO is Coconut oil, try it around 15%. AKO is a good specialty oil, used in a smaller %. Steph
  9. Well, I might end up rebatching it because it still isn't hard, after 2 days. I think it is my lye and I will try the stuff from the co-op the next time. I can't even cut it without it crumbling apart. Steph
  10. Backwoods Yummy Punkin Pie (I think that is what is called), is out of this world. I can't wait to add it to my line this fall. steph
  11. It was working yesterday for me, so who knows what was wrong. Thanks for all your help, ladies. Steph
  12. It was a medium trace because I did a two color ITP swirl and then did an ITM swirl on top. Steph
  13. Thanks for that link, E. I might have seen it before, but never paid attention. Steph
  14. I made a batch of my Sonflower Springs soap yesterday as well as a batch of castille type (which turned out fine). I put the Sonflower Springs down in our basement bedroom where it stays quite cool, so I am almost positive it didn't overheat. It is still quite soft, so I can't even unmold it yet. Can I put it in the oven for a bit to see if it will help? If it doesn't zap when I cut and cure, I will sell it at a discount because of the cracks. I need to get the lye out from the co-op to make sure it isn't my lye that is causing problems (I think it is the Rooto brand and I have had a few problems this winter with soaps not turning out right). I would really like to save this soap if possible! I did use some sodium lactate, but it hasn't seem to make much difference in my last few batches. TIA, Steph
  15. It looked like soap to me, too! I think it is pretty. Steph
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