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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Those are all great. How did you get such a vibrant green??? Steph
  2. Very pretty! The only good pink I have gotten was with BCN's geltones. I have Pink UM, but I have to use a lot to get a nice pink. Looks great! Steph
  3. Thanks everyone!!! I didn't even realize that one had hearts in it. Steph
  4. here are two new soaps from me. The first is Backwoods Patchouli. I normally don't care much for Patchouli, but this one has a bit of a floral note to it, and it is very nice! This is my gardeners soap with ground pumice and cornmeal, scented with sweet orange and lemon EO. Very scrubby!
  5. Very cute! I am sure the kids love it. Steph
  6. Looks great! If you want a Lemon Curd that doesn't discolor, try Backwoods. I tested it for them and it stayed white and yellow, just like I made it. They call it Lemon Tart, but it is supposed to be close to Lemon Curd. Steph
  7. I just tried this and it worked great! Thanks for the tip, E! Steph
  8. How cute! Perfect for summer. darn, now I am hungry! Steph
  9. I buy most of my packaging supplies from them and I am in PA, so they only take 2 days to get to me. Shipping to me isn't bad either. The only FO I have tried is the Sage and Citrus and it does well in soap and candles (my mil loves this scent and right now, I am only buying it for her). I just used two of their EO (sweet orange and lemon) in my gardeners soap and they are holding up really well, too. Some of their prices on oils are high, just look around for the better prices! Steph
  10. That is interesting. Lately my soaps have been going pretty quick on me, so I may try this. Thanks, E! Steph
  11. I may have to start playing with this. I just changed my original recipe so it wasn't quite as soft and I also have some sodium lactate to try out. Steph
  12. beautiful! Can't wait to see them cut. Steph
  13. I didn't think I could get around it! I hope I start making some more sales soon! Steph
  14. That is cute! Your daughter is adorable. My neice would love something like that. I wish I had more time to sew! steph
  15. I am almost finished with my website, just need to finish weighing my products to get the shipping set right. Anyways, what do you do about paypal fees if they pay with credit/debit card? I hate to eat those, because I got two orders from friends, and they used credit or debit and I lost over 2.00 already on those two orders. I know some people don't like to use their personal accounts and I don't either, but I can't eat all these fees. Is there anyway around this? Steph
  16. What the others said!!! I have a 2 year old, a 4 year old and a 6 1/2 year old. The two year old likes to help me cook and I make my soap where I usually cook at, so I try to do it when he is sleeping in the afternoon, or someone is here to watch the kids. Just take a day, if you can, and leave the kids with a sitter and then make the soap. If you can concentrate on your first batch, you will be so much more at ease! Good luck, Steph
  17. They are pretty clear, just be careful you don't smudge finger prints while putting them on stuff! Steph
  18. I have gotten great results from WSP's blue, green, and violet oxides, but the pink takes a bit more. For a great pink, I would use Bittercreek's geltones. I have also played with a few mica's, but they tend to morph! I usually start out with 1/4 tsp or a little less, especially with the blues and greens. Steph
  19. I have been using this since January. I get it at our local home store. I have only had one batch go really wrong (crumbly), but I think it was a bit lye heavy, no zap though. I have only ever used the Red Devil when I first started and then from a shutterbug co-op. Steph
  20. Love the colors and I bet they smell fantastic! Steph
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