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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. This recipe is great! I think I will be using it from now on, making a few substitutions! Steph
  2. The um's usually stay true to color, sometimes I think the Mica's aren't tested and they change color. I have the Cellini red from the co-op and it turned orange (which was okay because it matched my scent). Scented's did that too. Steph
  3. Very nice, I was wondering what color to make these! That is, when I have time to finish up my other BW soaps so I can sell them and order the New England Mist, LOL! Steph
  4. Looks awesome, as usual!!! I might have to order from you again soon! Steph
  5. That almost looks like my black berry sage I made a few weeks ago. Great job. Steph
  6. For the ovals I use a 2x4 and put two labels on one label. I then cut them in half and put them on. If they have the rounded corners, you will have to trim those off as well, but they fit nicely. Steph
  7. OMG! I am glad you are okay. Steph
  8. I can see them now and they all look awesome! Steph
  9. have you considered clear jars with colored product? Steph
  10. Their lilac is great, I can't wait to get it into wax (hopefully next week). new England Mist is about the best "breezy" scent I have smelled. the Honey Gingerbread is awesome as well. It discolors CP soap to the perfect color. Steph
  11. I have their catalog and they have some great stuff. Maybe you can find someone to order with you to save on the minimum order. Steph
  12. Try www.matthewswire.com Stephanie
  13. I haven't shipped anything flat rate, but I have about had it with our local PO. We received a shipment of dead peeps and the company replaced them and added insurance the second time. 13 out of 25 of the new ones were dead. I had to file the insurance claim and the PO was giving me greif and they sounded like the didn't know what they were talking about or doing. So I called the company to get the information the PO said they needed, and the company said that they fill out the paperwork themselves. I was told by the company to have the PO call them, so I called the PO back. The lady said "it isn't my job to find this information." i was pissed by this point. I called the company back and they were sending it to the president of the company. It is ridiculous. Not to mention I sent out the lip tube co-op packages a week ago Tuesday and this past Tuesday received a letter from the Missing Packages people with my name, the addressee's name, and the postage paid, saying that the label somehow got removed from the package and the package was missing! I was floored! I had it taped on with packing tape because I didn't have any self-adhesive labels at the time. So, now I have to wait and see if they find it! If they don't find it, that is $70.00 worth of lip tubes that is out there somewhere. Sorry, I am just a little miffed at the PO, plus they want to raise rates again. That is bull s$#t in my opinion. Steph
  14. Those are all nice, very springy, which I am sure we could all use about now! Steph
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