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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I haven't found sunflower oil anywhere locally. Olive oil and Sunflower oil are very similar in properties. Steph
  2. Looks nice! I can't wait to see cut pics. STeph
  3. They both look neat, but the second one matches the drink more (not that I even know what a margarita tastes like, I am an alcohol virgin and plan to stay that way, LOL). steph
  4. Those are so pretty! How did you do the first one? Steph
  5. That is funny, not the soap, the comments you guys are making, LOL! Looks great, even it if wasn't what you envisioned. Steph
  6. Grrr, i tried to reply 2 minutes ago and my computer went crazy and I had to shut it down! Anyways, I got the email about the new pricing on oils, and I am thinking, okay they lowered the prices, WRONG, they made them higher. I have sunflower oil as my base oil for soap, well, I had been only buying one or two gallons at a time and that price was $10.95 for a gallon, cheaper than Olive oil but you get the same properties. Well, the new price for a gallon is $15 something, but I think for the 4 gallons it might be a bit cheaper, I will have to look at my old notes. I love that they have so much stuff at great prices, but everything seems to be changing. I should have placed my order a few weeks ago like I planned (I was trying to figure out the best deal for what I needed) instead of putting it off. Steph
  7. Very nice! I like the bright colors. Steph
  8. Very nice! There is just something calming about blue! Steph
  9. Very nice! I am still trying to get thte hang of swirls! Steph
  10. those look great even with the discoloration! Steph
  11. I have about 4-5 of the bittercreek that I won't be using if you want to try them! Just PM me! Steph
  12. No clue what that smells like, but the swirls sure are pretty! STeph
  13. Here is the cut pics. I had to trim the tops off of some of them because my towell fell in. The one laying down in the front wasn't trimmed. You can sort of see the yellow, but it didn't turn out too bad. The cellini red did turn orange. Here is my signature scent Sonflower Springs:
  14. Yes, it is cut. Not too bad, but the yellow faded a lot. I will get pics asap (we have a 2 hour delay because of snow today). Next time i won't let it gel! Steph
  15. I let this gel and the yellow faded quite a bit. i will cut it this afternoon and see what it looks like. It still smells yummy! Steph
  16. I have been wanting to try the Sea Salt Air from BW, but haven't gotten around to getting any yet! Glad it worked well for ya! The others look great too. Even though the lilac didn't turn out like you wanted, the swirls stil look great! Steph
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