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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Great job! I was checking out your site yesterday and realized that you changed the names. Steph
  2. Very nice! I like the simplicity of your labels. Steph
  3. Everything looks nice. I would crop out the bottom, too, where the fabric end shows! Steph
  4. Cool!!! Those are almost too pretty to use! Steph
  5. It may not have turned out what you thought, but it looks neat! Steph
  6. I am holding a co-op for the 2 oz natural ones. Check the co-op section! steph
  7. I lined it with no-melt mylar and pulled the sides out to cut it. It did soap beautifully. I wanted to add green, but wasn't sure how it would look. would have had plenty of play time though! Steph
  8. Thanks everyone. It is UM blue from WSP. Just a few specs. Christina, I haven't tried NG's. I am trying to limit my companies for scent! Steph
  9. This is for my friend that ordered a whole mold (16 bars) of this scent. The soap on the top of the cut pics is actually the bottom. It looked nicer than the top!!! TFL, Steph
  10. Sounds like a plan! I have three boys 6 and under, so I am almost constantly doing 20 million things at once! Steph
  11. I would say go with whatever fits the smaller tin, at least it will be easier to carry around then. Plus, i am partial to sunflowers because that is my business name, Sonflower Springs Specialty Shoppe, LOL! Steph P.S. Good luck on your website. I am trying to build mine, plus get product made.
  12. I need to get a few more orders to even meet the minimum for this co-op. I am also offering the 2 oz twist tubes for lotion bars, stain stick, etc. Here is the link: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41400 Thanks, Stephanie
  13. Very nice!!! I am not sure which one I like best!!! Steph
  14. I have a friend who wants to buy a whole slab of soap off of me *(Cool Water type). My slab mold makes 16 bars, and I normally charge $4 a bar. What sort of discount do you give for buying a whole mold? Thanks, Steph
  15. Do you have a local hardware store that carries it? We have a local one (and a friend and her dh own it) and i am going to check on a case price when I go in again. Steph
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