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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. That is awesome! I guess I am lucky in that only a few select inlaws have turned their noses up at my soaps. Some of them (the guys mostly) like to use body washes, but hey, I can make those too! Anyways, I hope she calls ya for more. Steph
  2. Those are all awesome. I love the Tomato. The banana bread looks real!!! STeph
  3. Congrats! Isn't it a great feeling? You know you aren't supposed to peak while the soap is cooking, LOL??? Just kidding, I have been making cp for almost a year and I still tend to peak. Steph
  4. Did you maybe bump the candle while it was cooling? I have noticed when pouring clamshells that if I bump it even a little bit it will get wrinkled. STeph
  5. Sorry, I forgot about the goggles and mask. I do use them, just haven't soaped in about a month and it slipped my mind. Steph
  6. Welcome to the world of soap making!!! As far as equipment, I use one of the Rubbermaid pitchers (the small one) for mixing my lye water. Freezer paper is great for lining any mold. I use a glass measuring cup (a big one) for mixing up to a 3 pound batch in, for any bigger batches, I use a plastic bucket. A stick blender is great for getting your lye and oils mixing, but sometimes they do make trace come faster. Lots of Paper towels! Plastic gloves. Those are the basics. Good luck! Steph
  7. Thanks for the tip about the pump, Macy. I am planning on packaging my regular 8 oz lotion in the boston rounds with pumps, so that might work with the after shave as well. Steph
  8. Hey Gloworm!! I will have to look again or maybe when I am in Indiana again. Steph
  9. THanks Macy. I don't think it would be too difficult. now I just need to find clear aloe gel! Steph
  10. I know there are many of us looking to reach out to the guys in our lives. I would love to find an after shave that wasn't expensive. How about aloe gel (clear of course) mixed with FO and put in a pump? Steph
  11. I use the 2x4 label and cut them in half. They don't exactly meet at the back, but at least you can see how much you have left! I am switching to clear labels and I think they will look nice. I use the natural tubes. Steph
  12. That is pretty!! can't wait to see it cut. Steph
  13. For my log mold I use freezer paper, for my slab I have the no melt mylar from JoAnn Fabric! Steph
  14. I use canned goats milk in my natural oatmeal, milk, and honey and add it at trace. I use half my water to mix my lye in and the rest of the milk goes in at trace. It does turn brown, and smells funny at first, but the smell does go away! Steph
  15. Everything is awesome. I love those brown bars. Steph
  16. for 1.5" bars it should hold about 4.5 pounds of oils. for 2", it will hold 6 pounds. I hope someone else double checks this for ya, just in care. HTH, Steph
  17. I haven't made it, but I imagine you could just leave out the food color. Steph
  18. Looks great! Sounds like you are hooked now! STeph
  19. Basil Sage Mint Brown Sugar and Nutmeg Steph
  20. can't wait to see the cut pics. Wish I could smell it through my Screen! Steph
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