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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. That is pretty!!! Very nice purple. Steph
  2. Here is the link: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27342 Steph
  3. There is a recipe, but the only thing i have is the unrefined shea. I really don't want to spend the extra money on the other ingredients (many of which are quite pricey). I may post on the classies for just a small amount of each oil. Steph
  4. She sent me a sample last fall and I have used most it and gave the rest of it to my sil for my nephew. She was wanting some more. I really don't have the funds to get the ingredients right now, and was hoping some one on here could hook me up with 2-4 oz. Thanks, Steph
  5. That is some awesome color! I don't think I have ever seen a soap so bright, where are my sunglasses??? Steph
  6. I'll try some for ya, I want to smell that scent! Steph
  7. I have both kinds of tarts, clamshells and mini muffins. I have my mini muffins packed 2 in ziploc bag for $1.25 each. MY clamshells are $2.95 each for 3 oz. i haven't sold many of those yet, but hoping to pick up in the new year. I am offering both sizes for different price ranges. The smaller ones to try out and for seasonal scents and the clams for regular scents and people that love those scents! Steph
  8. That first pic looks nice, but I am sorry the second one didn't turn out as you had hoped. Steph
  9. Nice swirls. I hope the color stays for ya. can't wait to see it cut! I have been making soap for over a year and my swirls still don't look that good! Steph
  10. I do like the milk cartons for a great vertical mold. I did a green tea and rose soap where I poured one color down one side and the other down the other side and it had 2 almost triangles with the different colors. Very neat looking! Steph
  11. I love Dan's Bands. They take a bit of working to get a technique down, but once you get some practice, they are awesome! Steph
  12. I love it! I don't like to gel my soaps, they just don't seem to turn out as nice. Bet it smells yummy! Steph
  13. What scents are they? I love the pink and white ones in the middle. Steph
  14. That is beautiful and it looks like the colors match the scent! Steph
  15. Love that cherry (I bet it smells good, and I normally don't like cherry). The cucumber is great too. Steph
  16. wasn't it the scent that Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise had at their wedding? I think it would make me gag! Steph
  17. I would love to be able to think about Vday this year, but the only thing I might add would be the bath truffles. I want to get ready for spring. Hopefully 2008 I can be more prepared for all of the big holidays! Steph
  18. That is very different from anything I have seen! I love it. Steph P.S. If you want it switched, just turn it the other way around, LOL!!!
  19. That is awesome! I am sure she will love it. I wish I could find a Sand and sable dupe for my mom! Steph
  20. Mp is a good way to start and get the feel of things. There are lots of sites out there that give good ideas of how to get going! Steph
  21. MP is so much different than CP. While you can do lots with MP, swirling is a lot easier (sort of, just takes time to get a technique down, LOL) in CP. I guess it just depends on what you want to do. You can do a search for MP vs. CP and get an idea of what the differences are. I did a few MP's before starting with CP. I love the feel of CP soap, there is nothing like it. It is addicting (and also frustrating). Welcome to the new addiction! Steph
  22. I love making lip balms (except when I had to remelt some because I didn't have enough beeswax, ended up burning my thumb, LOL). Steph
  23. I am with everyone else, they are both cute, but the second one I like better. Steph
  24. That is very nice. i am sure everyone will love their baskets! Steph
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