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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I think they look very nice. I like the soft green and your labels are very clean and classy! Steph
  2. I always check our dollar tree when I am there (which is usually 2-3 times a month) and have never seen any tea light warmers! I have ordered mine from www.jackel.us. They do have a minimum, but they are quality! Steph
  3. I emailed WSP and they told me to try it a little bit at a time. Maybe I will just order some more beeswax! Steph
  4. Thanks for all the hints, ladies. I will try and get down there, but it probably won't be until after Christmas! Steph
  5. I don't have the time to research it right at this moment, so I thought I would ask quickly here. I changed my recipe around a bit and it is too soft. Actually, I didn't have enough beeswax, so I used what I had and added the rest in with soy wax. Can I add a bit of stearic to harden it up? The only other harder oil I have is PKO. Any ideas would help! Thanks, Steph
  6. Thanks for all the encouragement! I am not giving up as this is my business, just having a bad day, I guess!!! Steph
  7. Great job!!! You are addicted now, right? It is such a rewarding process (most of them time, LOL). Steph
  8. I will have to check it out, probably won't get down there until after Christmas though! Do they have sunflower oil? That is really the only oil I have to order (get it from WSP). It has to be high oleic. Thanks, Funky! Steph
  9. Just goes with the rest of my day. Dh pulled into the driveway and all I heard was squeaking! His alternator went. And, to boot, we have had water in our brand new addition (basement will be our bedroom and upstairs will be living room and kitchen). It had been leaking all summer and we thought we took care of it, but... We started to lay the carpet on Friday, but thankfully didn't get to finish because of numerous issues and dh had to pull up the padding we had already laid because it was soaked. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, so hopefully it will dry up (we have a heater down there too). Just one thing after another! I made some kitchen soap, so hopefully it will turn out okay! Steph
  10. I had laid my newspaper out to make soap and saw they were opening one nearby (well, about 1 1/2 hours away). They have everything for restaurants, but since candle and soap makers use lots of stuff that we use in cooking, I thought it might be neat to check out. www.gfsmarketplace.com If anyone has been to one or heard of it, can you please share? Thanks, Steph
  11. Okay, so I had about 2 oz of Green Tea and Rose (Backwoods) FO left (I had to throw away the other batch because it had HUGE lye pockets). So, I have everything ready, including my FO and my soap comes to a light trace. I am getting my colors ready in my dixie cups and go to reach for my FO to put into my plain batch and it ate through the cup and was all over the counter! I have green and pink mixed up, so I grabbed my rose tester (bw) and some green tea blend (BCS) and throw those in my uncolored soap. Well, while doing that, my colors sat up too fast. I glop my pink in my scented batch and pour about 1/2 in my log mold. Glop the green on and try to swirl. Glop the rest of the plain and pink in and glop the remaning green on. It is covered now and i hope it turns out okay. I have more GT&R on the way, so hopefully 3rd time is a charm. I want to make some Kitchen Soap, but don't know if I should push my luck today or not. It definitely feels like a Monday. I will post pics of my screwed up soap as soon as it is unmolded! Steph
  12. I am switching from Boxes to the bands (using both Dan's and the regular sized ones from MMS). It seems to be much easier (as long as I don't overmelt them and they come off) and more economical. Good luck! Steph
  13. Everything looks great! I love the push up tubes. I really want to find some natural twist up ones, but... Great job! Steph
  14. Awesome! I can't wait to try the lip balm I ordered from ya! I may have to try some of MMS new flavors (after the ones I have are almost gone). Steph
  15. Love the jars and the colors. Great job!!! Steph
  16. I think I found templates that work with Printshop from Online Labels! I got the clear ovals for sure and am working on the Ivory I am using on the front of my bottles. I will post pics when I get the totally done! Thanks for all your suggestions! Steph
  17. I used Printmaster Gold before, but it broke, so I bought Print Shop. I am going to try Avery Design Pro but if that doesn't work, i will try one of the others mentioned. I already have my logo designed, so I just need to get it transferred to my other programs. Steph
  18. backwoods has an awesome mac apple, at least in soap! I need to try it in wax, but I am sure it will be a hit! Steph
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