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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I try and make my bars anywhere from 3/4 to 1" thick (that size fits well in the boxes I was going to use, but I might switch to the bands once I try them). I think 2" is too big for some people's hands! I have used paprika in many of my soaps and it works well. It makes a nice brown/red color. Haven't used tumeric yet because i had some yellow oxide! Good luck! Steph
  2. Awesome! I am just now trying to get the hang of swirls! Steph
  3. Everything looks nice! Glad you did well and I hope you get many repeat customers from this! Steph
  4. I used BCN Hot Cocoa in MP last Christmas and it was nice. Steph
  5. Those are all really great. Diggin' that rock soap! steph
  6. Those are all great. I like the Winter in Aspen one, even though it didn't turn out the way you planned! Steph
  7. Congrats. It is nice to know that people love your products. Steph
  8. Even if you didn't like them cut, they still look great! Steph
  9. thanks everyone. It feels so good to know that people want my stuff. I couldn't sleep last night because I am trying to get my brochure done and need to pour some more tarts and soap this weekend! Steph
  10. Well, my stuff has been in my mom's sewing shop for almost 2 weeks now and I finally made my first sale tonight. It is actually my second, my first was my mil's on Wednesday, but she already knows about my stuff. I sold three soaps, three lip balms, and 4 bath teas!!! I am so excited. Next week I am going to be putting my stuff into a friend's salon (she is super busy), so hopefully I can start making some money!!! Just had to share because no one knows how i feel like you guys! Steph
  11. I just started selling this fall (acutally just sold my first soaps and bath teas to my mil yesterday), but I have a few orders from family members. I will be putting my stuff into a friend's salon next week, so hopefully I will sell some there. Due to the time crunch, I will only take special orders (for baskets and stuff) until december 1. Hopefully next year I will be able to have more onstock! Steph
  12. I haven't used either of these, but I love to eat Pumpkin Crunch cake! Steph
  13. I have used angel wings from BCN and it is really nice. Used it in flower pot votives for my mom's sisters last Christmas (in memory of my aunt) and have some angel ornies done in them this year. Steph
  14. those are great! I love woodworking, but don't have room or money for saws and everything. My dad loves to woodwork, but he is so busy with other stuff i hate to bug him! Steph
  15. You have nothing to be embarassed about! Love the purple one, but if it is Pink sugar, it will probably turn brown. Good luck and keep up the good work! Steph
  16. We live back in (1/2 mile from the main road), so I have my packages left at my neighbor's house. She is elderly, so when I get a package, I try to stop and visit her. I have had trouble with UPS in the past. We bought a new computer and they left it in the middle of our driveway!!! Also, they left me a box of fo's at the front door, well, the dog got a hold of it and i had to throw away 2-3 1 oz bottles. They also don't always bring my packages to me house, although they have been pretty good about it lately. They either take it up to the neighbors house or up to my inlaws. I hate having to travel for my packages! Steph
  17. That is great! I love the layered look. I am still trying to get better at swirls. Steph
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