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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Walmart carries the corner rounders (at least ours does and it is fairly small). I would stick with the most recent one or one that wraps around horizontally like the one that candleman posted. Steph
  2. Well, I started out just over a year ago and tried a recipe from Eugenia. I think I changed one or two things because I couldn't find them locally. Then I just sort of made my own recipes with what I could find locally (coconut, lard, oo, soy oil, etc). Now that I am selling, I have finally found a recipe that I like and is fairly inexpensive, but still very nice. I have to order my sunflower and castor oils, but can get everything else locally! Good luck! Steph
  3. Congrats! I made my first batch about a year ago (CPHP) and now I am working on selling my CP! Steph
  4. I haven't had any trouble melting the tarts. I use one in my small bathroom and it scents even out to my kitchen. in fact, I have one burning now (Holiday wassail from BCS) in the bathroom. I am in the computer room, which is about 15 feet away and I can smell it like it is burning in the same room. Sandy, I was going to order from Levine's because they have so many different kinds, but I thought the fancy ones would be nicer for holiday time. Eventually, I would like to carry from both companies! Steph
  5. Thanks, E. I will just have to try it for myself! I will post results when I find the time to make it! Steph
  6. I ordered this for my mil for Christmas gift. I want to do lotion, bubble bath, soap, and possibly some tarts or votives. It has some vanilla in it, but I don't know if it will dc or not. I will only do a small batch of soap (probably 2 pounds). I was planning a green and yellow swirl. Anyone? Steph
  7. I ordered some of this for my mil for Christmas gifts, but if it does well in my soaps, b and b and tarts, I may start ordering it from there, just because the price is so great! Has anyone tried it and does it throw well? Also, does it dc in cp soap? Thanks, Stephanie
  8. Glad I read this. I need to make hard copies of my labels, inventory, recipes, etc. Steph
  9. I was trying to order online, but it didn't let me add more than the lines that were already there. I will try again next time I order. I was amazed at the quality! Steph
  10. That is great! Hopefully you will get some repeat business from them! Steph
  11. Citrus Splash Country Sunshine Cranberry Crumble Homespun Sugar Red velvet Cake Peppercorn Steph
  12. I bought mine from JoAnn.com, but they have it at the regular joanns. Mine is the no melt, but it did start to curl a bit when I tried it in the oven, so now I just insulate! They have a heavy duty at Joanns, the physical store! Steph
  13. Those are adorable! I was in on the co-op but needed other things badly, so I had to drop out. Hope they sell well for you! Steph
  14. Those are awesome!! You are a handy woman. I will take 3 or 4 please, LOL!!! Steph
  15. Looks great and I bet it smelly just as good. Steph
  16. Wow, that is awesome! I wish my 2 color swirls would look that nice, let alone 7! Great job. Steph
  17. I received my first order from Jackel yesterday. First of all, I am very impressed with their customer service. About 1/3 of the things I ordered were either back ordered or discontinued (some of the stuff I really wanted too). So I called and they are shipping me some extra stuff free of charge (no regular price or shipping charges) and 3 extra tart warmers that i have to pay for, but only a minimal shipping charge. They also put it through as a rush order. I just wish they had correct pictures in their catalog (it was even a fall/winter 2006) and stated that some of the stuff was d/c'd. I called the main company and they were very helpful and friendly. the tart warmers are HUGE and very good quality. Steph
  18. Yes, the bittercreek boxes are under the shopping cart. Steph
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