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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I can't even find it locally here in PA, so I order it from WSP! Steph
  2. I have mine through Benchmark and just got the $500,000 for my first year because I don't have that much product yet. They were very fast in responding. Steph
  3. I like the second one better. I use two different fonts on my labels. Steph
  4. I am using boxes from Bittercreek. they simple to insert soap (unless of course, it needs trimmed) and I have my label ready to slap on! I like the protection it gives. Steph
  5. Those are all so pretty! I love the cupcakes. Steph
  6. Those sound awesome!!! You are not crazy! Steph
  7. LOVE THOSE!!! They would match my bathroom! Steph
  8. I have been testing for them and they are a great company! They are only about 17 miles from me and I just got my first batch of wax from them about 2 weeks ago. it is so nice to be able to pick up my wax (and containers as soon as I start making candles). I have only tried their oils in CP soap and only a few I haven't liked. Here are some of my favorites: Lilac, very strong and true Sea Salt Breeze Pumpkin Cornbread (different, but i really liked it and will probably add it next fall) Pink Sugar- I can't compare this to others, but it is reall nice Blackberry Patch- very nice and refreshing Green Tea and Rose- everyone has liked this FO in soap. Chocolate Turtle cheesecake- very yummy and I can smell all the different layers if fragrance Jakfruit Jam- very yummy and citrusy, you have to smell it to believe it! I just got a sample of the Macintosh Apple and can't decide whether to try it in soap or tarts!!! I also tested a new scent that I hope they will carry, it is Pink Pepperberry and it is spicy, but sweet. Connie is great to work with! Steph
  9. They look great!! I made one about 2 weeks ago like this with canned goats milk, real honey, and oatmeal. It has a nice natural smell to it! Steph
  10. I decided to order from Jackel for the holiday season, since they have so many nice things, plus they are in NJ, which isn't far. I will probably order from Levine's once I see what sells! Thanks, Steph
  11. I am getting ready to place an order with Levines after I fax my Tax id over. How much does their shipping usually cost? I would order from Jackel, but I want to try the plug in burners from Levine. I am in PA, so I may have to wait 2 weeks for my order to get here. It is so hard trying to decide what to order!!! Jackel has so many cute holiday items, which would be great for right now, but Levine has many basic ones. What would you do? I may just order from Jackel and order from Levine's after Christmas. Steph
  12. Look great!!! I am using the C-3 mixed with 6228 for tarts, but can't wait to try it in candles after Christmas. Steph
  13. those are so cute! I did something similar for my nephew' birthday last year. I did the frogs in white soap, colored green and then put them in muffin cups colored blue for water, same scent too! I hope they sell well for you. Steph
  14. Those are all great. I will take one of each, LOL! I love the pillars, they are so festive. steph
  15. YUMMY!! I love that recipe, but haven't tried the Fo yet, hopefully next fall. They should sell, that's for sure. Steph
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