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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Are you sure brenda hasn't been giving you lessons? They are both AWESOME!!!Steph
  2. My dh loved this scent. I can smell all the different scents that make it up. I haven't smelled a birthday cake FO oob, so I can't say. Steph
  3. I hope it turns out to be a nice save!!! My last batch traced really quick and I didn't have time to do much with it! Can't wait to see pics. Steph
  4. How adorable!! At least it doesn't smell like fresh manure, LOL!!! Steph
  5. Darn, I need to get dh out there to milk what goats we have left still nursing!!! Steph
  6. Those are cute and I love your labels!!! Steph
  7. Gorgeous! Love the labeling and the layering is great! Steph
  8. This is what I will be ordering this week: http://www.joann.com/catalog.jhtml?CATID=168303&PRODID=136442 Steph
  9. I just soaped this one and it turned out fine. I used TD to color my base and it just turned it more of an ivory color, but not yellow. Just make sure to blend it in well!!! Steph
  10. Definitely lovin' the last one, such great colors. They all look great. Steph
  11. Very nice! I have some of the ovals that I will be using as well. I love the look of them. As soon as I get some ink for my printer, I will be finishing mine up!!! Steph
  12. BCN Pumpkin Pie CO is great as well as Backwoods Pumpkin Cornbread. Steph
  13. Very nice, I bet it smells yummy too! Steph
  14. Wow, those look great!!! I can't wait to start making some of this stuff! It is nice to have some me time, huh? Steph
  15. I did a survey this summer so I could find out what people want (I will be selling come October when my insurance is due) and most people said 8 oz because they get more for the money. I had a 4 oz from a friend last year when my son was born and it took me quite a while to use it. I have dry skin that is really bad in the winter, so I use more then. I think I will start out with the 8 oz and if it doesn't seem to be going, I will use the 4 or 6 oz. Also, I would use a pump with the bigger bottles and a squeeze cap for purse size or smaller. It really is hard to know what customers will want, guess that is part of the fun of this business! Steph
  16. That first one does look great! I am not crazy about eating rhubarb, but I would be anxious to smell that one! Steph
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