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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I would definitely check those out if I was in your store! They are very cute. Steph
  2. BCN's Hawaiin Paradise is nice too. Steph
  3. my bars (for now) will be 2 1/2" high by 3 1/2" wide and between 3/4" and 1" thick, I have to try my recipes in it. Steph
  4. Oh yeah, after I get going I plan on getting the Soap Maker program too!! Steph
  5. I gave my dad some extra wood we had from our addition and had him make me a slab mold (16 bars). I am going to cut slits in the side so it looks like a misty creek! I am so excited to actually start making soap to sell (in October when I can get my insurance). I will post a pic when dh gets home this afternoon (he took my digital to get pictures of the buck on our property if he sees them). now I just need to order a bunch of sunflower oil because it is my main base oil! Steph
  6. Everything looks great! I agree about the soap labels, either on the back or try clear on the front. Steph
  7. Thanks Julia, just wanted to be sure! Steph
  8. I am trying to figure out my labels for my lip balm and I looked it up on MMS and this is what I came up with (just double checking with you experts ): Triglycerides of Caprylic/Capric Acid. TIA, Steph
  9. It makes me sneeze. It looks really pretty though!!! Steph
  10. those are awesome!!! I bet the white peach smells great and I love the dramatic swirls of the first one. Steph
  11. Those are really pretty, even though they didn't turn out exactly how you imagined! Steph
  12. Very pretty and I love the colors! Steph
  13. Very nice, I am sure they smell yummy! Steph
  14. I am making floating candles for my cousin's wedding next month. They are leaves and acorns, but since the detail is on the top (the bottom of the mold), I will be putting them in the water crystals (plus I think they look better that way). Anyways, I am using CBL 129 and I put some stearic acid in trying to harden them up. However, I am only getting about 2 hours burn and I would like to get abou 4. I tried a tealight wick and it burnt too fast. The wax shrunk and I think if I repour to the top, then they should burn a bit better. When do I repour? Before they are totally set or when? This is my first time doing a free standing (floating) candle. TIA, Steph
  15. They all look great, even with the FO spots. Love the different kind fo swirl you have going on there. Steph
  16. Very nice, Connie! Mine turned a nice dark tan as well and everyone loves the smell! Steph
  17. You are so awesome!!! Now,I have to wait for my dad to finish my slab mold so I can try this layering! Steph
  18. Those look great! If I wasn't planning on scrapbooking again soon (as soon as our new basement is finished), I would definitely be using it for my soaps. I love the top one. Steph
  19. Wow, those all look awesome! I am not sure which one I like best! I love the layered "man" soap, but the colors of the other two are great as well! Steph
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