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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Wow, those look so real and yummy!Steph
  2. Brenda, I went and checked the recipe I copied from on here and it was 24%. Sorry for the mix up! I haven't had a chance to try this recipe yet.Steph
  3. I believe Brenda as used it at 43% for a mostly cocoa butter bar.Maybe she will chime in.Steph
  4. Here ya go:http://secure.candlesupply.com/catalog_page_detail_keyword.cfm?queries_index=index5 Steph
  5. I think Bittercreek carries a 4 cube. Steph
  6. That is very uniquie and original. I love it. Steph
  7. How cute! I bet all the girls went crazy! Steph
  8. I tried it before and it didn't work (must have saved it wrong). I did do it yesterday and now I don't have to come online every time I need to make a recipe! steph
  9. Very pretty! I love the teal color, but the natural look of the brown is great!!! Steph
  10. Very nice! I wish my swirls would turn out that nice! Steph
  11. Hmm, I have put an order on the shopping cart and the shipping was only around $15.00 or so and my order was over $65. I am in PA, which is only one state away. Last fall I also ordered 4 cases of jars and the shipping was still only $15 something. Maybe it is more expensive the further away you arel. If worse comes to worse, I have a friend that goes to college in findlay and I could just pay him to pick it up for me! Steph
  12. I think jojoba is another great oil i have seen in some facial recipes. I haven't made any facial soap yet, but I plan to soon. Steph
  13. Very nice! I love the contrasting colors, just like the night sky! Steph
  14. Looks good to me! Have you tried some red oxide? I can send ya some if you want to try it. steph
  15. cool! i will have to look at Lowes for one like that because we don' have a Home Depot nearby. My dad is making me a mold like Misty creek, so hopefully I will have it by the end of the week! Steph
  16. I think i read somewhere if you want things on top to stay the color they are is to pour a little clear MP over the top and then stick whatever it is you want on top of that and let it dry, after the soap is hardened in the mold.Hope this makes sense!Steph
  17. Looks great, I hope you don't have to cut it up! Steph
  18. We never get tired of seeing your stuff ( we are all just jealous because our soaps will never look that good, LOL)!!! That is awesome looking and I bet it smells great. I might have to get in line for it on your site. Steph
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