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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. I haven't tested the White Tea and Willow or the Chocolate turtle cheesecake yet (hopefully tomorrow), but the other new ones are awesome!!! The Spring Cotton sort of faded in my cp soap, hopefully it will come back! I think this would be a great scent for anything! Jakfuit Jam: I agree with ya on this one jennie, it is great! Passionfruit and Guava: Very strong, but not too strong. Pakalana Blossom: Different. It is growing on me though. All of these behaved very well and none have discolored (made them last Sunday). I will hopefully get to the others tomorrow. Steph
  2. I think it looks lovely! Love the sparkle from the Mica. Steph
  3. Very nice! love the green layers/swirls! Steph
  4. Very nice!!! I wondered what that smelled like! Steph
  5. Very pretty, no matter how you swirled it! Steph
  6. My, you have been busy!!! everything looks great. I love the blue/teal color for the Tahitian Petals. what kind of coloring are you using? Steph
  7. I think www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com has all of those. I am going to be ordering samples here soon. They have a bubble wash concentrate that you can make shower gel, bubble bath, and shampoo out of. Steph
  8. Your shop sounds cute! If I am ever down that direction, I would definitely stop in. You do sound serious. That is wonderful! Steph
  9. The colors are great, even though I don't care for that scent! Steph
  10. That is pretty! My dh doesn't do that stuff for me, but I am sure my dad will (once he is done rewiring our electric, LOL). Steph
  11. Wow, that is beautiful! great for shower gifts. Steph
  12. I can't wait to get to this stage! I think I finally figured out a recipe that I want to use, now I just need to get the oils to see if I like it! Steph
  13. I have several recipes calling for this. I think I can answer my own question, but since it from wheat, it is probably allergenic to some people, right? Steph
  14. I used one last week and it worked wonderfully! I put 1 pound in and i had just about 1/2 of the can left. I peeled my can away. My family loves pringles, so i am sure when I ready to use one of those cans again, it won't take us long to empty it, LOL! Steph
  15. Yes, lots of paper towells is good! I played with MP for a bit, but then I tried HP this fall (made two batches) and then I dove into CP! Each kind is different and you just have to play around with different recipes and decide which you like better! I did HP first because at least you can see the phases similar to CP and you don't have to worry about the lye still being present aftewards! Good luck! Steph
  16. yeah, get most of the soap out before you throw it in the dishwasher. I did that 2 times with CP and once with MP, big mess and I think it took 2 washes with no dishes in there to get all the bubbles out! Steph
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