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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. thats a nice swirl for CPHP!!! Steph
  2. My last batch did that and it reabsorbed. It was the first time mine had done it and it was humid, so that must have had something to do with it. Steph
  3. Very nice! I love how patriotic it is! I hope you do well. Steph
  4. Very pretty! I like the swirls in the second one. Steph
  5. Very pretty! Love the color combo! Steph
  6. Wow, those colors are differnt than we are used to seeing! They are very nice! Steph
  7. I think they look nice! I love the soft colors! Steph
  8. I made some with FCO and I like it, plus you aren't using so much cyclo! Steph
  9. It seems to have seeped back in. Could it have been from the humidity yesterday? I never had that problem in the winter and spring when it was cooler and less humid. I did have it in the fridge for a bit as well. Steph
  10. I made a 2.5 pound batch of soap (oils) and I had about 3/4 pound left over, so I left it unscented and molded it. Well, the other three are okay this morning (I actually got some decent swirls this time), but the unscented has lye beads on top (I did the zap test and got zapped). I am going to try and let it sit for a while and see if it reabsorbs. If it doesn't reabsorb, can I rebatch it? I have a few other unscented soaps that I have to rebatch, so I can just throw it in with those, right? This is the first batch I had do that. Thanks, Steph
  11. I like the second one better. It is nice to actually see some "pink" in it since it is in the name. I wish the vanillas didn't turn brown! Steph
  12. Very nice, I like the lilac color. Would go great in my bathroom! Steph
  13. I tried them once, without a white soap base, and I didn't get much color. Next time I want to try them with some Titanium dioxide. Steph
  14. That is awesome! I really have to get my dh to start milking our goats so I can make some goats milk soap! Steph
  15. Those look great! I wish my swirls looked half that good! Steph
  16. Very pretty! I need to start working on floaters for my cousin's wedding in September! Steph
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