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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Those all look great! Nice colors and I am sure they smell great. Steph
  2. I would love to find one too. I had some from Mary Kay a few years ago, but haven't found any since. Steph
  3. They all look great! I have made quite a few batches and haven't gotten a good swirl yet! Steph
  4. I am glad i read this. I haven't figured out my base recipe yet, but I have been thinking about it. I will try and formulate a recipe that doesn't have these two oils in it. Thanks, Steph
  5. When we had our coal burner running, I sat my old baking cooling racks on there and put my soap on top and it seemed to help a bit. Steph
  6. Looks cute, like candy! Sure would catch kids' eyes, I am sure. Steph
  7. I think they look cool! You probably couldn't do that again if you tried! Steph
  8. I used it at 8% in a bar and it seems a bit different than my other soaps. I am still testing it, so I will have to see how it turns out. steph
  9. Looks great. All these great pics make me want to work on my coloring and swirling even more! Steph
  10. Looks great! Love the crinkle cutter, gotta get me one of those! Steph
  11. Looks great. It is almost like a hidden swirl! Steph
  12. I ordered a case of jars once and the shipping wasn't bad at all for 48 jars. I have a friend that drives pretty close when he goes to college. i have to find out when he is going out and I want to place an order. I would rather pay him a bit of gas money than pay the shipping charges (unless of course, it is cheaper to ship). Steph
  13. Of course they look awesome!!! I hope it works for ya. I could have used some of that this weekend for camping. I may have to get some of those tins. Steph
  14. Those look great. can't wait to see them unmolded. Steph
  15. I would definitely be interested in a co-op. steph
  16. I think you might want to keep it at 1-2% as it can heat up and make your soap trace faster. Hopefully and expert will chime in! Steph
  17. Those are super cute! I can't wait to see which ones they pick. I like the bath salt idea! Steph
  18. Scrapbooking items are always big. I plan on making blank albums (made out of paper lunch bags) and selling them in my mom's shop. I also found little tins with books in them for wallet sized pics. I am going to order some and do them up and give to a friend that is graduating next year, a great item to put all those graduation pics in (also great for mom's grandma's etc). Steph
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