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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Those are all fantastic! Keep up the good work. Steph
  2. Wow, those colors would look great for my peonies and peaches soap!!! May not have turned out how you wanted, but it is still awesome! steph
  3. Hey, it happens!!! I have a few that didn't turn out right (color only on outside, NONE on the inside). I also have some plain soap that I didn't have enough room in the mold for. When I have some extra time (Maybe in 20 years or so, LOL) I will rebatch them all together. Good luck,
  4. They look awesome!! I need to get some more Citric Acid to make those and I want to try the Silky Suds, but need to order SLSA. Steph
  5. That is pretty. I did something silmiar for my sil and bil last summer. I put in some foot stuff (bought at the store), champagne glasses and sparkling cider. Oh and some homemade candles, which she loved. Steph
  6. They are all great, and I am sure well loved! Steph
  7. What a great gift! I am sure she will love it. Steph
  8. Looks great (love the packaging). I hope your mil likes it (My grandma is the same way). I am sure the other moms will love theirs!! Steph
  9. My brother told me to touch the battery when I was little (My uncle told him to do it). He also told me to touch the electric fence with a piece of grass. I should have learned long ago not to listen to him, LOL!! Steph
  10. It looks great!!! Maybe the swirls will change after it gels. Step
  11. I was looking around WSP the other day and they have their basic lotion at $10.95/gallon, it said it was the best selling hand and body lotion (I think). I have a friend that might be able to pick it up out there, as he goes to college in Findlay and I don't think it is too far off of I80 when he comes home. I would rather pay him a bit of money than pay the high shipping prices. My question is, can you add like Shea butter or other stuff without compromising the preservatives? I will have to check out their site again. I will have to see if I like it (if it is thick enough, etc) without adding anything to it first. I tried BCN's, but their's was too thin. TIA, Steph
  12. Thanks everyone!!! It is the mini muffin pans. You can get them at any walmart. I just sprayed them with some Pam, wiped them out and the tarts came right out. I burned one of the Citrus Splash today and it smelled great. I can't wait to make more. I have so many 1 oz samples to use, so they will come in handy for that. Steph
  13. These are the first tarts I have made since before Christmas and I have missed playing with wax!!! From left to right: Peonies and Peaches (C&S), Basil Sage Mint (BCN), Country Sunshine (BCS), Oak Moss (BCN), and Citrus Splash (BCS). I love all of these scents and can't wait to burn them. I am going to give at least 2 of each along with a tart burner to a friend who just moved into a brand new house. Excuse the mess on the counter. I can't figure out how to resize it, but you get the idea. I think the colors are great for spring and summer!!! TFL, Steph
  14. Those are really cute! I am sure he will love them. Steph
  15. I had the same trouble with some red oxide. I won't be giving that away to anyone! Steph
  16. I didn't know about it either, but now that I do, it has saved me lots of money. I have bought a lot of soaping oils to try out and it was worth the money. I am also in on the flavor one. Steph
  17. Darn, those are Polyeth, I need Polyprop, or will the polyeth be okay for using with tarts? Don't want the scent sucked out. Steph
  18. Thanks, Katesmom. I had looked there before when there was a Co-Op going on, but for some reason I didn't see them Steph
  19. Looks wonderful to me! Very clean and classy, but not stuffy. Steph
  20. Ziploc bags with hang holes in approxamately 2x4? I need something that is recloseable. I found a mold that I would like for tarts (some what of a breakaway tart) and it is roughly 1.25 x 4". I found some at Almost Heaven that are sticker sealed, but I haven't heard good reviews of her. I have done a search, but haven't come up with the right size. TIA, Steph
  21. I wasn't real pleased with BCN's bubble bath either, the bubbles didn't last long. Here is a thread from last week that might help: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22265&highlight=bubble+bath I am thinking of trying the Wholesale Supplies Plus bubble wash concentrate. It can be used as bubble bath or shower gel, so you might get more use out of your money. HTH, Steph
  22. My sil lives in loveland, maybe I can get her to pick me one up and send it to me!! Steph
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