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Everything posted by sockmonkey

  1. I think sweating must depend entirely on the humidity in your area. I always keep 10 lb tubs of various scents of m&p sitting out unwrapped in the front of my shop. They never sweat, although over time they do shrink, just like HP or CP will do. I transferred a batch to another room to take photos and left it there over the weekend. When I came back, sweat had appeared on the soap in the back room. It was on some of the very same scents that I had in the front of my shop with no sweat.
  2. sockmonkey

    M&P base

    I used WSP's clear base and it was fine in my opinion. What wasn't fine was their sky high shipping for it--and I'm in a neighboring state. Here's a link to a supplier with SFIC: http://www.kycandlewaxsupply.com/bathandbody.htm If the price is too much, you can try Stephenson's. Stephenson's clear is also good and has a very nice lather. The Chemistry Store carries it and so does New Directions. If you sign up to get their newsletters, the chemistrystore.com emails you a coupon good for 15% off your purchase. New Directions (which is in Canada) has a first time customer discount totaling 10% off of your order, with no small order fee assessed for orders less than $50 (on your first order).
  3. Rather than delete posts or lock the thread, how about we stick to the topic of good customer service and don't RE-HASH an old thread that has been removed. If you want to make antagonizing remarks about the old thread--it's going to disappear.
  4. Thanks Candlespastore, for your information. That's all good stuff to know.
  5. Are you happy with the volume of business you get from it?
  6. I always add pink coloring to my pink sugar lotion and have never noticed discoloration. Soap, however is a very different story. I will not use pink sugar in soap. I tried it once and the soap turned a heinous color on me, so I will not waste my time on that again. You can buy vanilla stabilizers that are supposed to prevent your products from turning colors on you. I purchased a bottle, but never used it. It had such a strong odor, which the supplier said would disappear, but I didn't want to risk it. Some people who use stabilizers say it doesn't work and others say it does. At least you know a product exists now and you can try it for yourself.
  7. Can you share what paid promotion worked best for you?
  8. My personal opinion is that it should not take three years for a website to turn a profit. That may be true for a brick and mortar shop, but not with the internet, because your overhead is so low and you basically have the entire world as potential customers. Like with any business, marketing is always key, and yes it does cost money, but there are a lot of free links and webrings available also. I specifically asked about DIY since someone mentioned it and because it is very popular with many members here. I don't know what the norm is.
  9. How do the DIY sites work for everybody--as far as sales go? They look nice, but do they generate business? How about the free websites? Do many people have luck getting any sales on those? I just wondered, since I visited one site with so many pop-up ads and flashing signs that it became too annoying to even bother looking at products.
  10. I used white waterproof vinyl in my laser printer from rippedsheets.com. They were waterproof, but definitely not oil proof. When fragrance oil got on the label it made a messy smeary smudge all over the label. I only use the crystal clear labels from Online Labels now. I've put oils, alcohol, and water on them and have never had a problem yet (which I think is funny, because they aren't even advertised as waterproof).
  11. I believe excelsior is what they call that hairy, straw like stuff in your box. When I make gift baskets with votive cups, if I don't include a votive in the cup I just leave it empty. Maybe I should have filled it with something. Maybe clear cellophane? Instead of adding an extra votive, couldn't you take one you are already using and drop it in there, then you could wrap the soap sack in that area. Just a thought.
  12. I agree, you've done a lovely job. The look is clean, fresh, and modern. I like it.
  13. If only they knew how they get talked about in internet forums, completely showcasing their incompetence. Someone made a comment the other day about how they have such a thick book of rules and regulations that they could never read them all. I guess they just pick and choose what they want to read, and then make up their own postal rules, and don't expect to ever be challenged. I got ripped off the other day because they were out of the small priority mail boxes, so what did they do--they pretended there was no such thing. The next time I was in there a clerk told me they don't keep them out for customers, because that will force them to use the bigger boxes and that way they make more money. Gee--do they get bonuses now for upselling? At least the clerk went to the back and brought some to me. I may have gotten lucky when I ship my oils. They hear them slosh, ask what's in the box, and I tell them perfume. So far, that answer hasn't presented a problem yet.
  14. I like their soap base, and I bought a ton of containers from them. I frequently use their dyes, and have bought FO's from them as well. I/v purchased about 8 scents from them, and have only re-ordered one scent out of the bunch. It could have just been that I just didn't select the good ones. I only consider their FO's about average. Customer service was excellent, and shipping was speedy. As others have said, John offers advice and can really inform you about the b&b business, make suggestions, and so forth. I wouldn't have any qualms about recommending them.
  15. Even though my labels look totally messed up with fingerprints sometimes, when I press them down on the container, the prints always seem to vanish. I only use them on white containers or brushed aluminum containers, so maybe that's my saving grace.
  16. I think quality-wise, the close up of the third one on the right would be the format I would try to use for my photos. If you need to take more photos, I would trim up on the excelsior a little bit, and drop a votive into the votive container instead of using whatever it is that is stuffed in the glass. Also, on the third photo there is something blue at the bottom of the box--I can't tell if it's salts or a sponge. Could you maybe straighten it out and curve it around the bottom of the box? When I submit my photos I always use a standard set. I took some photos that I was happy with, and I stick with those.
  17. I was going to say the only stuff I've gotten from them that I was happy with was their containers. I didn't care for their soap base, fragrance oils, or essential oils. I haven't ordered from them in quite a while, but their shipping wasn't bad when I ordered from them. I guess shipping rip offs is all the rage now with suppliers. WSP practices it, Craft Lobby used to do it, but I think they've gotten better.
  18. Here's a question: Do you have insurance?
  19. At this point I don't think it would do you any good to contact a manufacturer about their products. From what I gather, this lady has not confronted you directly, which I find odd. If I have a reaction, I will contact the manufacturer, not gossip to the town about it. If a manufacturer contacted me, I would be alarmed--it seems to indicate they know there is a problem or a potential problem. If you have not received complaints from anyone else I wouldn't contact her about the gossip you have heard. But, be prepared if she contacts you. Be ready to tell her it's the first complaint you've received and that you can't imagine what caused her reaction. Ask her if she's had reactions to other skin care products (she may or may not lie about it). If she says yes, then tell her there's probably a common ingredient that she's allergic to. Ask her if she knows what she's allergic to. Tell that although to your knowledge no one has experienced an allergic reaction to YOUR products, your research into lotion ingredients indicates that things like lanolin, parabens, etc., are the most common offenders. At that point you can review your ingredient list with her to see if any of those ingredients are in your lotion. If she says she's never had a reaction, tell her that some people simply have skin that is more sensitive than others--especially during colder months when skin is drier, more taught and prone to small cracks
  20. Juniper Breeze--or whatever they're calling it now is a good one, as is Lemon Sugar.
  21. Candleman, I came up with a blank when I clicked on your link. Friendlymom, there are many different arrangements you can make for private labeling. 1) Some do not charge any different for private labeling. 2) Some charge a fee for private label. A. You can charge a one-time "set-up fee," such as $50 B. You can charge a per-label fee, such as $.10 to $.25 per label. C. You can do both. 3) You can require a minimum purchase amount in order to do private label, such as "free private labeling with $200 minimum purchase," or "free private labeling on units over 100." You should decide on what you will offer for private label. Will you only offer one label material selection, such as clear, or will you allow them to choose from matte white, glossy white, kraft, etc? Can you offer multiple ink colors, or print in black only? Do you have to design art for the customer, or will they supply art to you?
  22. You might want to work on photography. I don't think the photos are very flattering for them. You've got clear, bright photos for the b&b, but these are dark, and some are blurry, there are no dimensions, and no statement saying they are made of wood. (On a side note concerning your b&b--I noticed where things are supposed to be 9oz, you have 0.09 oz listed under the details.)
  23. The Sage has some. I only used it in lotion bars, but I thought it was strong.
  24. I don't know how deep they are, but could you use a stationary box? You know the kind cardboard bottom with a clear acetate top, usually with an elastic cord bow wrapped around the box. That would glam them up. Would a plain cellophane bag work just as well as shrinkwrap for you? I've seen packaging with a pipecleaner type twist with added elements such as silk bows, or flowers, even keys or miniature animals, snowflakes, etc. glued to it, that makes for a nice presentation.
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