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Everything posted by sockmonkey

  1. Ok, I will operate under the assumption that even though you said you are new, you didn't just start making candles yesterday. Since your prices are already cheaper, don't cut the price any further. Tell the church lady that at this late in the season you can't order a bunch of holiday scents. Tell her she has a few different options: a) Go with the scents you already have Pay an additional fee for the holiday scented candles c) Buy and pay for (a certain quantity) of candles up front. I think it would be hilarious to tell her that instead of dropping your fee, you'll have to raise your fee for the holiday scents. If she had gotten in touch with you in October, it would be a different story. Tell her what you said here--if they don't sell, you'll be stuck with them and lose money and that's why you won't be able to do it unless she agrees to one of the options above.
  2. It's that funny looking symbol that sort of looks like an E. To multiply type: sum(a1*b1) {hit enter} The equation above represents the column and row you want to multiply--Column A, cell #1 times Column B, cell #1 Here are a couple of links that might be useful: http://www.usd.edu/trio/tut/excel/13.html ttp://www.excel-vba.com/microsoft-excel-signs-formulas.htm.
  3. Patchouli Oatmeal & Honey Lavender & Vanilla Sage & Citrus Rose
  4. The Candle Makers Store has them (OH). http://www.thecandlemakersstore.com/product/JJM8B
  5. Here's a place that has it: http://www.bolekscrafts.com/fragrance_oils.htm They pack everything in plastic bottles. I've bought many FO's from them. Of course, there are some duds, but I've bought several good ones from them. Most of them are not too complex and they hardly offer any designer dupes, but they are cheap, and most of the FO's I got were pretty strong, so I think they are a good value for the money--plus, shipping is only $5 for anything less than $100!!!!
  6. I can tell you this, Yankee Candle doesn't offer me discounts if I by 100 candles or 1,000 candles wholesale. Their price is their price, period. I don't think you should offer her discounts to start out with, just for ordering 200 candles. The time to offer her discounts is after she's placed her order and proves herself to be a repeat customer. Maybe you can give her 10% off her next order over X amount of dollars. You're creating a custom, upscale line for her and aren't even charging her a special set up fee, I'm assuming. That in itself is a discount you are giving her, and that should be made clear to her. Let her believe that it is quite an involved process for you to create this for her, with the forumulas you will be working on and the exclusive fragrances you must research for her in order to produce this magnificent candle line. I think Cindy had a good idea for you.
  7. I kind of hate to give them credit, since they will not post specials here, like they do at S.D. But they are my favorite FO supplier.
  8. I don't do fundraisers but I think some of the things you would need to include are: 1. Suggested retail price 2. The price structure you are charging the organization. Some companies will just charge a flat rate. For example, if you normally sell your candles for $12, you might sell them to the group at a normal wholesale rate of $6 ea. Other companies offer incentives to sell more, such as: $7 ea for selling 1-50 $6 for selling 51-100 $5 ea for anything over 100 3. Order forms 4. Minimum orders (will you have one?) 5. Private label information (if you do that) 6. Information regarding turn time once the final orders have been turned in 7. Payment information such as: Will you accept credit cards, money orders, cash, or checks? Will full payment be required up front? 8. Delivery information such as whether you will ship the items or can the customer pick them up. 9. If it's a non-profit group, will you need a copy of their tax exempt status? Another thing you might consider is a contract that a member of the organization would need to sign agreeing to be responsible for payment within so many days after, or upon delivery if you don't require payment up front. (I've seen too many stories here about people working their butts off to make candles for fundraisers and then they never get paid.)
  9. Since you've gotten a little bit of a price break what you might consider doing is offering a discount for multiple candle purchases. Since you've gotten 13% lower pricing now, why not have a special deal such as "buy 3 (or 2) or more candles and save 10% on your total purchase." That way, if people only buy one candle at regular price you will keep all the difference in profit. What that pricing structure could do for you is drive up the volume you will be selling. Even though you have to offer a discount, you might wind up selling 2 or 3 candles instead of one that you might have sold otherwise. You will still recover the cost of your candle PLUS make a little extra since you found cheaper wax.
  10. I take the cost of all items and do a mark up on everything except the filler and the shrink wrap. Generally,I will at least keystone everything in the basket, but if it turns our particularly gorgeous I jack the price up just because it looks expensive.
  11. I did not care for WSP's Luxury Body Mist. When I sprayed it, it went on oily, so I rubbed it in and it felt somewhat sticky once it had been absorbed. Based on a lot of recommendations here, I tried some of the candlemakersstore body/room spray and have been very pleased with it. The mist is not oily and it quickly evaporates on your skin without having to rub it. I think there was a very faint smell when I opened the jug, but you absolutely cannot smell it once FO is added. I would also recommend the base from candlemakers.
  12. It looks like a cute area. You sure don't have a lot of time to get ready, girl! But, it's smart to get started in time for Black Friday.
  13. Just reading this makes me absolutely furious. There is absolutely no way they can require you to show them your statments. They know your account number with the company, as well as your checking account number and they have records of it! If they're gonna mess with you, then do the same to them. If that incompetent you were dealing with is giving you the brush off so she doesn't have to do a little investigative work on her end, then by god, go and alter the bank statement to make it say they charged you $850 instead of $350. That ought to be easy enough to do.
  14. AHHHH! You are the TRUE Brady Fan, and you are so right! I forgot that. Cousin Oliver ruined that show anyway. Now because of him I totally lost all of my Brady cred.
  15. Did cousin Oliver from the Brady Bunch get in the doggy shampoo business now? (Kids of the Brady Bunch era will remember the episode when cousin Oliver sold shampoo to Greg that turned his hair orange.). I think it's been said a million times before, but here goes one more--when people post pictures of their soaps or other items and ASK for opinions they are opening themselves up to possible praise, ridicule, theft, or indifference. Now if someone posts a picture of their soap because they are proud of it and they want to share, but don't ask for feedback and then someone makes a negative comment about it, I think it's just mean spirited. I can see in a situation like that how you could think of that person as jealous. I guess the negative person's integrity could be questioned if they have a soap business, but otherwise I would simply view it as rudeness.
  16. Cindy, I'm sorry to disagree with you, but sometimes I think certain people or businesses really do deserve to get called out. I totally agree with what Vicky said. Why only allow positive commentary regarding business dealings? Positive comments here about businesses have the potential to generate more sales for them and to allow their company to grow as a result. Failure to identify negative experiences with suppliers puts all of us at risk. That means members might lose money on supplies they never receive, have mysterious charges appear on their credit cards, receive defective or inferior merchandise, receive excessive shipping charges or bad customer service, etc. Those are warnings that have appeared here before, and I appreciate that people took the time to post them. They have absolutely nothing to gain by it. I do not consider that a "lack of integrity." That lies with the businesses that try to take advantage of consumers or insult their intelligence. I consider people who lie and cheat to be the ones who have a lack of integrity. I think perhaps you are confused with the meaning of the word "integrity" and the meaning for the word "tact." I hope it is really "tact" that you meant in your post. I apologize for this post in advance Cindy. Based on what you wrote I know I should have PM'd you instead. I will admit, however, that at times I totally lack tact. The fact that I admit that shows I have integrity!
  17. Everything is very nicely displayed in your photos. I'm glad things went well for you. It may sound silly to some, but I think it takes a lot of courage to open up your home to people and put yourself out their with your own creations, since some people can be so critical. For anyone else who might be considering having an open house, do you have any advice, or was there anything you would do differently now that you know what you know?
  18. Sorry about the turnout. From everything I've seen and heard, this year has been a pretty bad year for a lot of shows. Even the "big ones" that are held every year in my area have seen a serious downturn in attendance. I think it's better to keep your booth stocked. I personally don't usually stop at a booth that looks empty.
  19. Check your local restaurant supply stores or Sam's Club. I use cups like that to sample fragrances in m&p soap. I have to destroy the cup to get the m&p out, because it doesn't gently pop out,but that's ok since it's just for testing purposes. Maybe it would pop out more easily for wax.
  20. Try thesage.com. They ought to have affordable shipping to you. I'm in the midwest and find their shipping very reasonable to me.
  21. I posted here looking for suggestions when it originally happened. I mixed up a huge batch and had already put some in molds. Then I got a phone call and abandoned my mix for probably an hour. When I came back and tried to pack it the mix seemed dried out or something--it wasn't packing firmly like the first batch from the mix did. When I unmolded them they fell out in crumbly pieces. I decided to "powdericize" them and put them in bags at that point. The ones I molded before the phone call turned out absolutely perfect but all the ones I made afterward were ruined.
  22. They really need to get that fixed. Over estimating shipping by 2/3 seems like it's costing them business. I know I won't order from them and other people have said the same thing. But then again, maybe they make enough pure profit off of people who don't question the shipping amount that they'd rather keep things just the way they are.
  23. I can tell you what you don't want to do...put them in tin-tie bags. The same thing happened to me with a batch I made. I thought oh, I'll just make it a bath powder and everyone can see it through the window and it will be nice. It was fine at first until about 48 hours later when there were giant grease stains all over the bag!
  24. Anyone who would tell you you can't pick something up definitely has something to hide. Didn't she even use the old "my insurance (or zoning) prohibits me from being open to the public" routine? What she did sounds more like she's experienced at making drug deals.
  25. Yep. I've noticed. That's why I've only placed one order over the internet with them. It's just not economical for me to buy from them by the time they add their shipping. I had to make a trip to Ohio, so I stopped by their "warehouse" and scooped up a few things, but it was certainly a major disappointment. The part of their building open to me was very small. I thought I was at the wrong place because from the outside it appeared to be some kind of company that deals with oils for cars or something. I don't remember what it said now, but it was a strange combination. I would tell you to call them about their high rates, but I tried it and it did nothing for me. After I got my first order from them I decided I could use some more sachet envelopes from them, so I called them about their high shipping. Those things don't weigh that much and shipping was going to be some ridiculous amount. The guy I spoke to basically I would need to order more in order for it to be more cost effective, like the heavier the weight, the less it costs. Craft Lobby is another company that pulls this sh*t.
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