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Everything posted by sockmonkey

  1. Country Christmas -- NG http://www.naturesgardencandles.com/candlemaking-soap-supplies/item/rf-413
  2. I haven't used it, but NG has it and it's affordably priced. http://www.naturesgardencandles.com/candlemaking-soap-supplies/item/rf-1105 I have used Indiana Candle Supplies' lemon meringue, which I think is good.
  3. I like the chemistry store or craftlobby. http://craftlobby.com/colorants1.html
  4. I bought some for use in lotion without buying a sample first. I am less than thrilled with the way it smells.
  5. I've used the same microwave for soap and food. Some soap instructions say you can melt your soap in the microwave, so you would think that any dangers have been examined before they tell you to melt it that way.
  6. How is your product supposed to be used?
  7. Wow, has nobody ever used thier stuff?
  8. If you find a fragrance you like, stick with that. If cost is a factor, buy SAMPLES of the same thing from other sources to see how they compare before buying in large quantities. I bought a fragrance from 3 different suppliers. The first one I bought was just a sample. I really liked the fragrance, but since I was ordering other things from a different supplier, I decided to go ahead and order it from them instead. That was a mistake. It didn't smell anything like the sample I got from the other company. Later, I saw Tony's had the "same" FO on sale, and Tony's ususally has very good FO's in my experience, so I ordered a pound of it from them. That was another mistake. So now I'm out all of that money because I was too cheap to order it from the original place to begin with! Remember, samples, samples, samples! It may seem expensive up front, but it will save money in the longrun.
  9. Does anyone use Snowdrift Farms FO's? I've never tried theirs, but they have several that sound interesting, plus some are on sale. Any thoughts???
  10. If you use clear m&p you can probably get it, but if you're using opaque white I think you will always end up with some version of pink.
  11. Oh, you shouldn't deny her space. Let her show up the day of the show with all of her cargo, walk into the building with it and tell her then she can't be in the show. It's kind of like presenting you with a check for money and then saying--opps, you can't have it afterall. Seems fair.
  12. I guess whether she can keep the money depends on what's in her contract, but you raise a good point I hadn't thought of. If that space goes unsold she should be entitled to all of the funds because she can say she reserved it for the check bouncer when it could have been sold it to someone else, therefore she lost the full amount of the check.
  13. Some people are better at research, comprehension, and teaching and yet others are better at hands on stuff and learn more by doing. Perhaps that is the case here. If you have a marriage and a partnership, it's great if you can work together to create a craft. You should be able to rely upon each other for guidance, provided you're both jointly interested in it. Candle making is an old craft like many others, that can be taught and handed down from one person to the another--without ever having to read a book. I think the perception that some here may have based on the original post iss that wifey might be just a teensy bit lazy or naive. But maybe that's not the case at all. Perhaps it's just a venture that a couple thought they could work on together. I'm operating under the assumption that she is the one to make the candles, but hubby is researching all the waxes and wicks, etc., to determine which ones they will be using. Am I wrong?
  14. My family serves as guinea pigs, so they never need to buy anything--I keep them loaded up with lotions and soaps. If there ever comes a day when they would need to buy I would only charge them what it costs to make it. I'm not out to make money off of my family. When it comes to friends I feel the same way, however it depends on how good of a friend I think they are as to how much I would discount it.
  15. That lady is a liar and a thief. No lawyer would have told her not to pay it. It would be sweet to have a giant photocopy of her check made and placed where her booth would have been for all of the world to see. Do you keep calling the bank to see if funds are in her account?
  16. I was so disappointed with WSP's mist I bought some body mist from the Candlemaker's Store at the suggestion of many people here. I was able to visit their website and pick it up to avoid shipping. Thanks to everyone who suggested it. It sprays on and dries quickly without being sticky.
  17. She should forward the info to the prosecutor's office at the appropriate time because for all we know, this lady might have $50,000 worth of bad checks floating around there. If they see a pattern they'll jump on it, but if not they'll recommend small claims court. She could be the one who makes a difference in shutting this lady down. You never know. It doesn't hurt to try.
  18. Does this person have a business license/tax ID? What explanation has she offered for why she will not make the check good? Is she disputing the whole thing, or the extra NSF fees? In my state, people who bounce checks can be liable for paying 18% interest on the amount of the check from the date it was written until the date it is made good, can be forced to pay three times the amount of the check plus attorney fees and additional fees incurred as a result of the insufficiency. I see you are in Maryland and I found this link: Look under "d". You might do some further research or call the Prosecutor's office, or even your local bank to find out exactly what penalties can be levied against someone being sued for NSF checks. A bank's Return Dept., or Bad Debt Dept. should be able to help you. You might let her know by a certified letter that if she does not resolve this matter immediately you intend to forward the matter to the County Prosecutor's office for action. Make sure the letter to her looks official, and lists her full name, address, and business license or tax ID. Include a copy of her contract, a photocopy of the front and back of her check, and notification from your bank regarding NSF fees you have been charged as a result. Then give her the grand total that is owed. State the times you have contacted her about the matter in the past. Tell her she has 10 days to pay the amount in full (by cash only). Then list any possible penalties or fines (if you know the state's code for that it would be great to list it) that the bank or Prosecutor's office told you about. Tell her failure to pay for the check within 10 days will result in the matter being forwarded to the Prosecutors office. You should follow through with your actions. The Prosecutor might not take the case if they don't think "criminal intent" was her motive. They will then tell you to go to small claims court if they won't handle it. If you have to go to small claims court you will already be prepared for it. Good luck to you. I've got a similar issue I'm trying to deal with myself.
  19. Your way sure sounds easy. For laughs you should post it under supplies for sale--lipbalm holder, then have a picture of your hightech rubberband.
  20. I don't know if they're legit or not, but I don't like it that they list a PO Box for an address. But, at least they have phone numbers.
  21. I hate patchouli. I've only had about three people who have ever asked for it. I can deal with Nag Champa. It's not my favorite by any means, but it's tolerable. It has more of a clean smell to it to me.
  22. I'm glad to find this thread. I've had reps trying to sell them to me, but I wasn't interested because I thought they were too gimmicky. I was at a show where they had one burning and I wasn't impressed with it, but I thought maybe it was just me because I've read posts on some retail forums where some shop owners say they are just great. It sounds like I made the right decision.
  23. Those look fantastic. I would love to make something like that, but they just look like too much of a challenge for me.
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