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Everything posted by sockmonkey

  1. These are 1/2 lb bags: http://cottonblossomcrafts.com/tin_tie_kraft.htm
  2. It sounds like a good place to try out. Unfortunately, craftmalls around here are quickly dying out. I think it's because people stopped putting true "crafts" in them. The places were filled with a bunch of imported resin junk, or somebody's homemade peach colored ruffled toilet lid covers with an extra row of polyester lace around the edges. It sounds like yours has a lot more going for it with a food court and all; plus, you'd think a b&b booth would be a good complement for the bridal shop. I'm excited for you. I hope you'll take some pics and update us with info as you progress.
  3. Ahh! That's it! I plugged in every combo I could think of, but didn't think about dashes. Thanks.
  4. That buyer's group for b&b stuff? I've been to their sight, but forgotten the name. I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. You didn't have to join to buy from them, but if you bought a membership it entitled you to certain discounts based upon the type of membership you bought. They carried stuff like containers, oils, etc. I can't remember the name of it to save my life! Does anyone remember?
  5. Isn't this the same thing that was planned for this year but got canceled?
  6. I would also advise against fleamarkets. In my experience, what I've seen is a lot of Avon reps and even Mary Kaye sell there, plus you frequently have people selling that drug store buy-out crap all jumbled up in boxes for $1 to $2 ea.
  7. Sorry things fell through for you. I know it has to be very disappointing for you. But, consider it fate's way of preventing you from making what might have been a mistake at this time. Between now and sometime in 2007, you will probably be able to find more vendors and maybe find even better pricing on items--which will help you get more for your money and look better to the bank; and you can spend the time experimenting with even more recipes. You never know, maybe something even better will come along in 2007, and you will really be ready for it then. It takes so much money to operate a retail store. You'll be much better off if you can open with at least a bit of a financial cushion in the future. You should print out all of these replies and file them away and take a look at them sometime next year and see how you feel. I bet you will be able to look back and be thankful you waited.
  8. I don't think I would call it "illegal." Credit card companies make their own rules. They can say you can't charge a customer processing fees, but what is most common is they say you can't require them to make a minimum purchase in order to charge their order ($5, for example). I don't have a copy of my contract to verify the processing fee part. Maybe someone else does.
  9. The pictures look nice, but I think you've got way too much text, and the point size you're using is too small for all of that.
  10. My opinion--the first one is the best. With the other two, the pine is too distracting, and looks like something withering and dying--something you don't want associated with your products.
  11. I can't imagine you will have a very succesful store if you are as arrogant and rude with your customers as you are to members here. Really, what incentive do you think anyone has here to divulge "the best of the best" to you? What do you have to bring to the table? I wish you could understand exactly how insulting your post is. There are plenty of people here who also work outside the home, have their own businesses, raise kids, work on a degree, do charity work, etc., yet they find time to shop for supplies on their own, create their own bath and body products, and contribute their successes and failures here for others to learn from. I've had my own brick & morter business for over 4 years. I spent a full year researching vendors and purchasing supplies for b&b products in addition to other merchandise I carry, and tradeshows I attend. You better believe this forum and others were helpful in that task, but did anyone hand me the information on a silver platter? NO. I found this place by performing a search for suppliers. One particular supplier had a link to this place, and it has been a goldmine of information. By reading posts I learned of more suppliers, products, processes, and issues. I don't know what kind of budget you are operating with, but I have plenty of information regarding wholesale suppliers. My time is worth money, just the same as yours. If you can't spend the time researching on your own, then you can purchase the results of my research. Just PM me for details.
  12. I get weekly emails from a couple of places. Luckily, all they do is identify items they have on sale that week or if a new item came in they mention that. No stories, no gossip. I appreciate sale notices. The emails I get once a month from suppliers I tend to forget about. Unless I order almost as soon as I get them, I typically forget about their stuff by the end of the month.
  13. I guess it can vary from supplier to supplier on how much FO they recommend. Some are stronger than others. I generally add 3% FO to my m&p.
  14. You never know. Some people just buy stuff and never use it. If you purchase from SFIC directly, you have to buy 250 lbs. That's a lot of soap for one person to "craft" with, unless you have a store, or a website to get rid of it. Then again, there are always co-ops going on and it wouldn't be unreasonable for one person to have bought that much soap (30-40lbs) in a co-op for personal use. I'm a guilty party to buying stuff I will never use, but at the time, it's hot and I just have to have it. I have tons of stuff I could get rid of, but keep thinking I'll get around to using it. Perhaps this person is the same way, and thought she could help you and herself at the same time. By the way, SFIC's shea butter soap is good. At a show I did, people were very excited by Shea butter soap, and acted like it was a real rarity, so they bought it.
  15. Here's another one... http://www.lawdepot.com/contracts/equiprental/index.php?&a=t Still not perfect.
  16. Sorrry, I haven't come up with a contract yet either. During my searches I found a few things that you might be able to combine and tweak to meet your needs. http://www.magnoliacourt.com/sample_contract.htm http://www.wcsh6.com/weddingguide/PDF-Files/RentalsWorksheet.pdf http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=wedding+decor+rental+agreement&btnG=Google+Search http://www.hickorylandmarks.org/Contract.htm
  17. What type "decorating" items are you talking about? Stuff for weddings maybe?
  18. I don't think there is anything wrong with saying "We use natural ingredients like xxxxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, and add fragrance to complete this blend." "Our formula is derived from plants found in nature, such as xxx, xxxx, We then add fragrance as a final touch to create a product that is not only mild, but has a pleasing scent as well." Or some variation of those. That way you get your point across that your product is primarily "natural", but you are not saying that your fragrance is. In general, I think only people with sensitive skin/allergies, soapmakers, or environmentalists pay particular attention to those type of things. The majority of consumers don't think about stuff like that.
  19. Do you know how often they do trunk shows--every month, every quarter, or only during holiday seasons? It would be nice if you could attend one to see how the turn out is for such an event before you commit to anything. Do you know if you will be one of a featured artists, or would it just be you. If it's just you, I would be somewhat suspicious. Either your stuff is damn good, or he must not have a lot of consignors. I'd be pissed if I had my stuff in there and they pulled someone in off of the street to highlight their stuff during a trunk show. I think consignments generally range from 10% up to 40% (40% usually for larger items, not b&b stuff). Many places also charge rent in addition to the commisssion, that way the will still have a steady income even if consigned items don't sell. Twenty percent doesn't sound too bad if you don't have any other fees to pay. Maybe you can negotiate that rate. I doesn't hurt anything to try.
  20. So many questions, so little time. I don't know about the crystals. I assume you mean it's "sweating" or it looks like a frost on your soaps. I've only had that happen to a couple of different soaps, which I attributed to the FO I was using, since I had others I made at the same time using a different FO that did not sweat. I think some people attribute it to humidity. What are you wrapping your soaps in ? You might consider switching materials to see if that helps. Honestly, where do you think you would be likely to find a meatballer--in the kitchen gadget dept. of any store like Target, Meijer, etc. Yes, you can mix different m&p bases together with fine results. As far as the swirls, I think it's kind of hard to do with m&p, but I know others have posted on it here. Maybe they will chime in, or you can do a search and see if you can find anything under "swirls"
  21. Are y'all putting these dyes in CP or m&p? I get dyes from the Chemistry Store and Craft Lobby, but I prefer the dyes from Craft Lobby. I use them in m&p and wonder if micas give any more vibrant colors in m&p.
  22. That really sucks. It just goes to prove you can never trust what a sales rep tells you . You should complain to the store where you bought it. Here's a link I found useful when I was searching for a printer (not only does it show you where to find good pricing, but you can also get a little info on the product, as well as customer reviews: http://www.nextag.com/serv/main/buyer/OutPDir.jsp?search=laser+printer&node=300000&x=41&y=17
  23. That's right, and so this shouldn't be new to anyone, if they are doing their job properly. No one can be fined unless you have signed a contract with Visa/Mastercard stating that they have the authority to fine you, or unless you live in one of the states that has enacted such laws.
  24. They can make whatever rules they choose to make, it doesn't make them a law until congress initiates legislation to create and enact such a law. I have not received anything from Visa, Mastercard, or my processor regarding this. Perhaps it's because my machine is already in compliance, but regardless, you would think there should be a mass mailing pertaining to the issue.
  25. Klo, if you still don't like the quality have you adjusted the resolution or dpi before printing? That might help.
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