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Everything posted by sockmonkey

  1. Did you try reducing the leading on your ingredient listing? Maybe it's not practical, but I think your label works the way it is. However, for some reason, my eyes keep reverting back to the ingredients. By the way, how big will your labels be?
  2. Better yet, what if the poor delivery guy shows up and gives your order to the first person he sees. You'll have to do like they do in the airport--walk around with a sign saying "JAR DELIVERY HERE." Would a church, school, or beauty shop you go to be able to help you out? What about the workplace of husband, parent,s or friends? Would they be in a position to accept a delivery?
  3. I think I would stick with kraft. I don't like the elegance of marble, combined with a "fancy" font on a country style jar. If I saw it in a store, I probably wouldn't think anything about it, it's just that my attention was drawn to it, and the more I looked at it, the more I thought they seem like opposites that just don't belong together. It's just my opinion, and I seem to be in the minority here.
  4. Apparently, a coating of some sort is applied over the paper where you want people to sniff, which is done by machine, so I don't think there are "blank" scratch and sniff papers for you to create your own. I think you might be able to supply a fragrance to one of the shops to make them for you, but otherwise, I guess you could just spray cards with an ultra fine mist. I did that with some postcards I sent out. I had some customers tell me they loved the way the cards smelled, and the post office really loved me for that. The problem is, I didn't spray each and every card, since I was mailing 500 cards. I bundled them and sprayed them.
  5. Come on...stop looking. Somebody post something!
  6. I see that candlemakersstore.com has them, and the sage.com has them, does anyone here use them or have a preference for one over the other? Also, does anyone have any other sources where I can find blank sachet envelopes besides these two? Thanks.
  7. You might be able to list ingredients in the bottom part of the keyhole--I would just make them a screen of gray or orange so they don't distract too much from the rest of the label. I offer this advice because I originally did lotion bottles with a label on the front and a label listing ingredients on the back. Not only was it time consuming to apply the labels, but it but it increases the cost of the item. Labels are too expensive in my opinion, so I cut costs and labor by listing ingredients in small print at the bottom of my label. I'm very happy with the change I made.
  8. You might have a receipt already made up that states the organization's name, the purpose of the fundraiser, the date, the value of the giftbasket, and then have the recipient sign the form. Many people who go around asking for donations never consider the tax issues involved for you, and don't offer to supply anything for you (ususally, not even as much as a thank you note). I had one lady who asked for a donation, I gave her one, and she said she would bring me a receipt. Guess what...I never got one. I learned from that incident.
  9. I agree that the keyhole is too large, and I think it creates too much white space and covers up too much of the door. Here is what I would try... 1. Reduce the keyhole to about half the size it is. 2. Print Orange Door Candle Co. as curved text around the outer edge of the circle part of the keyhole. 3. Leave Vanilla Buttercream as it is. 4. Print goat's milk & honey lotion across the bottom panel of the door in white or black ink, and maybe bold it. Now a question: Where are you listing your ingredients?
  10. Well, if they stopped the samples it's probably because they were bombarded by a rash of requests once you made your post. Although some people replied to your post, how many do you think read it and went straight to the site and ordered? Ninety-eight people viewed your post and only 7 made a response. Thanks to people who ask for samples even though they don't know what they're for, or how to use them, many companies are cutting back, limiting, or eliminating free samples.
  11. The label setting should work. I've only printed one sheet of clear labels, but it came out fine. Now, if you are using the wrong stock for your printer, I don't know if anything will help you.
  12. The white marble offers more contrast.
  13. That's really exciting for you. I hope she buys a lot more from you. It's also impressive for you to be able to tell other customers that the giftshop is selling the same thing for $7.50--should makes sales even easier for you!
  14. What's up with the rash of bogus orders all of the sudden?
  15. I've found that they both have odors, however the white beeswax was not as strong as the yellow. I got yellow from one source, and white from another, so I don't know if suppliers could play a role, or if it is as simple as white vs. yellow.
  16. I would think you would be wise to have a document signed by the purchaser stating that they acknowledge they are liable for any damages, directly or indirectly, that may occur as a result of additional decorations, ornamentation, or adulteration that in any way alters the original appearance, purpose, or function of the product they are purchasing.
  17. Did you get a tax ID from her to indicate she might be a legitmate business? I say "might", because let's face it, how many of us really verify those tax ID numbers? I would definitely give her a ring to see what her thoughts are on the candles.
  18. The lingo she uses in her reply makes her sound like a foreigner.
  19. Hmmmm...very suspect. I wouldn't want to bother with that order. A wrong email address and a funky phone number. You can't do business with a person like that. Of course, who knows...if it'a a delivery to someone in NY or somewhere where they've had a snowstorm, phone lines could be down and perhaps that would explain the strange phone experience. The whole thing gives me a bad vibe though.
  20. The new jar looks wonderful! If I were you I would probably go with a clear label so that you get the most impact from the gold lid. It definitely doesn't look prim, and I think it's suitable for any decor. I think your candle really has a "WOW" factor in that jar!
  21. Was the ship to address the same as the billing address? Did you do a reverse look up on the phone number at anywho.com? Unless it's a cell phone, it should will give you a name, along with an address for that phone number. You can see if that name matches the name on the credit card.
  22. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna be honest...I think they look blah. Could you dress the jar up some buy adding a ribbon maybe? I prefer the victorian jar that someone else posted. I'm just speaking as a consumer--I don't make candles. The plain jar just doesn't have as much eye appeal to me.
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