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Everything posted by franu61

  1. Beautiful set up. And I LOVE the name!
  2. My 6th grade teacher (MR. Seever) taught our class how to crochet
  3. I am not into lifting heavy totes, so I use rolling suitcases. Packing them can be tricky tho, and they still have to be lifted into the car, but they are so much easier to transport from the car to your setup. I haven't had an issue with any tote or box pulling the scent out.. as long as your candles have lids and wax melts are in sealed containers.
  4. Ok, so I've never done CP, only M&P. So when it "accelerates" it gets hard too soon? Is the soap in the picture usable as is? I am storing all the info I can so that I get brave enough to try CP some day.
  5. I use 464 w/ htp wicks: Very Vanilla Egyptian Amber Golden Rose Lime cooler
  6. I have some NG bergamot...I can send you a sniffy if you'd like...pm me your address
  7. I have not tried any of those. I've tried NG and Brambleberry. LOOOVE Brambleberry's
  8. Thanks for the review. I know you use 464 right? I may have to give CS frasier fir a try
  9. I use bases for lip balm and melt & pour soap. I have always called them my own and handmade by me. I do add some of my own ingredients to each and thus change the "recipe", but even if you just use as is and repackage, you are still creating the finished product, so why not call it your own.
  10. I am so sorry!. She was such an inspiration. Prayers for her family.
  11. I'm not crazy about the medi-fig by itself , but I've mixed it with pomegranate, green tea, or guava and they are good together
  12. Your candles are superb, your cats are adorable and I'm also loving your porch! It looks so inviting.
  13. Absinthe and nag champa from NG are 2 of my best sellers. Great throw in 464.
  14. I like golden rose from candlescience. Not too overpowering in my 464.
  15. this is a thread I started back a couple years ago...Got some great pics of workspaces
  16. It is one of my best sellers in soap and candles. I call it Absinthe makes the Heart Grow Fonder. lol
  17. Yes! But I never chalked it up to the cold woodstove (slapping my fore- head now)
  18. Holy crap is right! I've been testing on my cold woodstove for years. Cast iron no less! Thanks THISLITTLE for this thread and TALL for the info. I guess even us "experts" can still learn a thing or two.
  19. Ugh! That means the shipping cost on supplies will go up too. Interesting that the costs are going up, but the IRS rate for mileage expense is going down.
  20. I'm burning three candles: cinnamon cookie, holiday cider, and candy cane.
  21. That's a tough call. I have had one in my car that I can still smell six months later, but I usually start giving them away if they've been around for a couple months. I have a lady who only buys 1 per year! I also recycle them..I cut up the ornies and put a few pieces in with my new batch and re bake....if they are different colors it looks like stained glass. Very hard to cut up tho, I have a wonderful pair of self sharpening scissors, they are the only ones that work. I like to store the finished ornies in the same gallon ziplock bag that I used to soak the beads in, helps keep the scent strong.
  22. Nature's Garden is a great supplier, they are in Wellington Ohio..don't know how far that is from you. Good luck and enjoy!
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