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Everything posted by franu61

  1. same here except I don't put the nail in, I just use a large needle and fishing line and poke the needle through and string them after they've cooled
  2. results of FP & 464. I poured on 10/23 cactus and sea salt had NO cold throw for the first few days, now the cold throw is very strong. I tried some in my warmer a few days ago and it was great! Today I am doing test burn, just lit it and can already smell it from across the room. I think this is a keeper. Very clean and fresh scent but not typical, I do smell sea salt. salted carmel- also poured on 10/23, it had a great throw when warm, and as it cooled it smelled nice. Today I can't smell the cold candle at all. Haven't lit it yet, but even if the hot throw is incredible, it will be a hard sell if the customer can't smell any cold throw.
  3. I just ordered some samples, they smell good and strong in the bottle. I haven't put any in wax yet but the Amber Love is divine in lotion..may be my new favorite scent. I will let you know when I get around to testing in 464
  4. Natures garden: Absinthe Nag Champa Candlescience: Golden Rose Lime Cooler Aztec: Forever red
  5. Great display! Loved the video, wish set up really was that fast
  6. I just do a running total on a note pad. I also have an inventory sheet and try to cross off items as they sell.
  7. I have these that I can sell. I will pm you with details. Fran (Admins: If this is not appropriate here please remove, I would post on classifieds but I don't think CKMM can see them yet.)
  8. Thanks for the offer ChrisR, but I am in Calif (not very near I will check out candlewic VioletFlame, thanks The closest place to me is the jar store in Reno, so that may be the way I go. Thanks for your help everyone
  9. Who makes a good all hallows eve? Never tried it....you got me curious...and of course I NEED to buy more FO's
  10. I use CS very vanilla for blending and it works great, not too overpowering but doesn't disappear either. I have RE toasted marshmallow but so far only used it straight up, no blends.
  11. Thanks Candybee, I'll check em out
  12. well I'm bummed! I just placed a large order with Anchor hocking for my 16 oz country comfort jars. They SAY free shipping on orders over $99, I had even waited until they had a sale.. then ordered a bunch ....they called me to say this is a "heavier item" and they can't ship for free. Ugh Anybody know where can I find a 16 oz jar (apothecary type, elevation, country comfort etc , for less than $3.00 nowadays?
  13. Here is a kind of panoramic view of my set up. I have 3/4 of the room. Lots of storage but still not everything, some overflow supplies in the pantry, but it is sooo nice to have everything I need in the same room. I'm thinking each work surface will have a different function, the desk for m&p soap (microwave coming soon) table for candles, top of blue cupboard for shrink wrapping. Yay! (Sorry if this is TMI...I'm just so happy to finally get this )
  14. I'm bringing this thread back to life...After 3 years I finally got my own workspace! YAYYYYY It's so nice to have everything handy and I can leave my stuff on the table now and no one messes with it. Pictures to come.
  15. Beautiful! I don't see the "not perfect"
  16. I use tins and jars. I sell a lot more tins. One added benefit of the tins is that you can re-use them. I offer my customers a credit on their next order when they return (undamaged) tins to me.
  17. I use paper towels also. I save the waxy paper towels for my hubby to use to start a fire. Better than newspapers
  18. Thanks Candybee, I will shop around. Who knows maybe another soap kettle will turn up.
  19. Well, now I have another thing (rice cooker) to add to my wish list
  20. Thanks for info all. Candybee, of course missed out on the auction for the life of the party kettle it sold to someone for 26 bucks) Do you think a real rice cooker would get too hot?
  21. I've tried basil& herb. It is good and strong, a little to herby for me by itself but I use it for blending. I use soy
  22. I have been melting small batches in the microwave. I just ran across a life of the party soap kettle on e-bay and now I'm wondering if I want one., lol Do any of you use one? How about a crock pot? Too slow? Presto pot? which one do you all like best? Thanks for input
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