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Everything posted by franu61

  1. I keep hearing about cracklin birch..is it smokey?
  2. I love: absinthe nag champa in both M&p soap and soy candles & melts capri olivo is lovely in soap & melts but i could not get it to throw in candle
  3. I also cut my 6 inch wicks into 3 and self tab the other ones, I put little wick pieces in the wax when I make firestarters
  4. I only have about 1 oz left ugh! does anyone know of a similar scent? TIA
  5. I use the BB goats milk melt & pour with olive oil and coconut oil. Never had a complaint about soap scum. Never tried castor oil.
  6. I LOVE Natures Garden absinthe. It is a good seller in M&P and soy candles for me. It is hard to describe, a little anise and a lot of other deep rich tones. Never tried anyone elses so can't compare.
  7. yes, I always save a little for my second pour...even tho the wax says it is a single pour. I usually leave it in the pour pot. If you did not save any you can hit it with a heat gun or blow dryer SLIGHTLY to melt tops and smooth out. HTH
  8. painless and quick. If I remember correctly I waited to hear back from them also, thinking I;d have to give more information, instead I rec'd my policy.
  9. thanks ChrisR that helps a lot. JaJc, I'm in the same boat, groups are always hitting me up for donation and I forget to keep track.
  10. when you donate an item, such as a gift basket, for a non profit raffle, do you write off the price it would sell for or the cost to make it?
  11. Thanks to all of you for posting this! I am one of those "fence sitters' and your posts are both comforting and inspiring. I will let you know when I'm ready to jump in
  12. I order from them every time i need clamshells. Most are fine, no smell, easy enough to pull apart, no leaks. One batch I had tho, had a few that leaked. They were all together in the shipment and each one had a rough spot on the back of one cube, that turned out to be a tiny slit that leaked like a sieve. I think there was a bit of debris in the machine that prevented the plastic from sealing in that one spot. When I figured out the rough spot meant LEAK I started putting a hunk of tape on the back of it before pour.. problem solved. Also I want to mention that when you order from them they ship ups and I saved money on shipping by having it shipped to my work address (industrial) instead of my home business address (residential). HTH
  13. bumping this thread up in time (I hope) for the 4th of July sale. Any must haves?
  14. Oh Jeez, that was me above, forgot to sign in. duh! I got it
  15. I love the Golden rose from CS. Good luck on your show
  16. Has this ever happened to any of you? This has happened to me a few times..I take the (4oz) tin & lid apart, pour my wax, let it cool and then the lid doesn't go back on. Not because the wax is too high, but more like the tin is now too big around. It has never happened with my 8 oz tins. Does this have to do with the heat of the wax? I pour my soy at 110 always, so why does it only happen once in a while? The big question is, can I do anything to make the lid fit again?
  17. I use NG's. It is great I use 100% soy tho
  18. What's your name? Fran How old are you? 52 Where do you live? In the redwoods How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever? 3 years How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever? bought the business from a friend Are you married? Any kids? yup 28 yrs, yup 2 guys 22 &25 If candle/Soap making isn't your primary job, what do you do? part time sec/bkkpr for economic development company, also part time shampoo girl for dog groomer friend Anything else we should know? I didn't mention my third child...my dog! LOVE MY DOG
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