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Gearing up for a "Relaunch"!

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So as everyone knows, we have been working on our wax formulation, but I have also changed my dye, wicks, packaging, jars, as well as labels. We have done nothing but test since Christmas, and I announced on my FB page that we would not be taking orders while we tested. I've only gotten a few harassing emails asking when we will be ready to sell again lol, but we are shooting for the first of March. My new website will also go live at the same time as the relaunch. I'm planning a candle party, an official relaunch, I want to do some prizes. Maybe having a "candle of the month" club"? What do y'all think?

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I'm doing the same thing now. I stopped selling a while ago and am just getting back and reformulating everything. Sound like you have things planned already and I like the "candle of the month" club. I'm still in the testing stages and don't even have a date yet. Good Luck to you!

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Good luck to you too!! I haven't set the date, but my goal is February. I have been getting some great reviews from my testers, I'm really liking the way things are going. I'm wondering, with a COTM, would you tell them all 12 scents when they sign up, or do you just send them a great seasonal candle every month?

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Congrats. How exciting!

You could go either way if you have a COTM club. An advantage for you might be buying your FO's at once and saving on shipping but you will have a lot of customers who will appreciate the fun of the surprise.

If you have prizes to announce the grand opening you will want to consider ways to use them to gain more exposure and new customers. X number of likes on your FB page and you will offer a free candle to one person even before the site reopen to create anticipation (random.org will make it simple. Enter number of customers who like the post and the number will be drawn for you) or free shipping once the site is up or whatever will be valuable to them.

Maybe even offer a referral discount. Refer a new customer and get $X or X% off product or shipping.

I spend my days working on digital marketing and social media for my big ole corporation so it is of interest to me even though I do not sell my melts.

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Good luck!

I am also doing the same thing. I have been focusing on getting my mineral makeup stuff going. Now that it's up and running, I can focus on the scent shop again. Lots of new products coming. My biggest problem is label design. lol.

That's great people are harassing you to get things started :)

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Good for you and how exciting- I hope all goes super for you! And harassing when are you going start is a good thing

I use crates now and they are impossible to find around here- I search Craigslist daily! I drove 3 hours to get 10 and its not enough- I need more to take to shows this summer... Would your friend want a customer? Lol I don't know how cost effective it would be for shipping but its frustrating when you know what you want and can't find it

And Suzy I feel your pain on labels- hate them! I use round Kraft and can't get them to print even for nothing and used a few people that did very good but same thing- uneven border when printing and I can't stand that but don't want to pay to try again with another!

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This is very interesting. I have been in the middle of remaking my biz too. Must be something in the air! I plan to open in the early spring in time for spring craft shows and farmers markets. I am even renaming my company. Anyway, good luck to everyone on their relaunch!!

Faithfulscenter-- all your ideas sound good. I do have a suggestion. Instead of doing a candle of the month club give out discount coupons or customer appreciation cards for everytime they buy from you they earn points for a freebie or shopping spree. I never had a candle of the month club work for me. But people love, love, love, freebies or chances to buy at a discount. I personally have the best sales doing a 3 for or 2 for special or BOGO type special.

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