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Want to help me name my "mistake" blend?

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Well, haste DOES make waste. Hubby is hungry and asked when I would be done and we could go out to eat. I finished my 2nd (LAST!!) test round (4625/4627 which will be tested against same FO's in 4625/4630) and I had wax left.

I dashed into my craft room and grabbed Peak Banana Bread and what I thought was CS Cinnamon Stick which I mix together to make my Banana Bread.

Well, just turned the bottles around on the cooling racks and realized that I mixed in CS Apple Harvest with the Banana Nut Bread instead!!

I only made 8 oval cups and it does not smell bad, so it is not a giant error.

What would you call it?

Here is what CS says about Apple Harvest:

Apple Harvest is a true, ripe apple fragrance combined with bright fruit notes and just a touch of spice. It has year-round appeal but is especially nice around apple picking time. Apple Harvest may be the apple scent you didn't know you needed, but can't live without.

This fragrance oil is infused with natural cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, orange, and cedarwood essential oils.

I was thinking Banana Applesauce Cake.

Since I just make for me and friends and family it does not matter but I thought I would ask the creative minds here!


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Thanks for the names! Appreciate your creativity.

Will let you know when I test it in a few days (these melts are all paraffin). Just popped one out to sniff before bagging up and it smells pretty good.

I will laugh if this becomes my new favorite scent! haha!

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I agree!

We specialize in apple fragrances in our shop which is located in an historically registered Amish Farmer's Market. How could we not?

I built a large corner display using old apples crates and an old wooden barrel stocked with several types of very realistic looking "faux" apples. We have apple signage displayed through the shop. I'm too ashamed to admit how many apple-based fragrances we stock. It borders on the absurd!

One of our fragrances is "Amish Apple". I custom blended it from fragrances acquired from a supplier I no longer will deal with.

I bought "Apple Harvest" from CS when they first introduced it. I now use it "straight" to replace my old custom concocted "AA" fragrance.

Not all of CS fragrances hit the mark for us, but "AH" rings our bell!

I still like "Banapple Bread". I may have to bake up a batch and test the market. TKS!


Dave @ Charlotte Hall Country Candles

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I could not resist trying one of these.

Just started it and it is already DELICIOUS!!!

Once it melts for a bit I will know if it turns or finishes oddly. I will also know what name to choose based on what I smell most strongly (Is it more apple than banana or the reverse?).

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I could not resist trying one of these.

Just started it and it is already DELICIOUS!!!

Once it melts for a bit I will know if it turns or finishes oddly. I will also know what name to choose based on what I smell most strongly (Is it more apple than banana or the reverse?).

Sounds GREAT, Karen!

In a previous post you mentioned you would like some mixing ideas. Isn't it neat that you gave me the first recipe we were to trade?

I would like to add that naming fragrances is almost as important as designing them IMO.

The reason I like "Banapple Bread" is that it "sings". I would stick with it regardless of which fruit fragrance is more prominent.

I will be offerring up some recipes in the near future.

I am currently searching out fragrances from various suppliers in order to rework my custom blends for personal reasons.

I'll post again with the reformulated fragrances as they are updated. Please understand that this may take some time. I am unable to access my candle supply area at this time.

PLEASE let us know how your test turns out and your name decision. "How many times will a boy have to ask?" (lol)

Have a great week.


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