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Hi all! Maybe 40 years ago, (or more), I melted a box of Gulf paraffin, threw in a couple of crayons, no FO. Dug a hole in a coffee can, filled with sand, stuck a piece of string in the sand & tied the other end to a pencil , poured the wax/crayon mixture in, let it harden,then we would all set around and groove....:embarasse

My daughter and I, (she started this with me), have about 10 .lbs of, you guessed it Gulf paraffin wax.

As I've been reading as much as I can find on paraffin every article seems to tell me nothing about paraffin and ends up telling me where to buy wax:undecided.

So, we need to get rid of the wax, we want to make pillar candles, (she bought a couple steel molds), wicks Which I'm sure she got right ones for the size of molds she purchased. We have Vybar 103 and stearic acid. We have FO and dye.

What is the best recipe for the wax with what we have, for now, and other than running out for 11 .lbs slab of wax from hobby lobby what can we make for now:confused:

Thank you for your time!


P.S. Sorry I posted this in the wrong area of the forum I can't seem to move it or delete it

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I don't use paraffin so can't answer your question, but just wanted to say I laughed at your description of what you (AND I) did 40 years ago. Making sand candles was just the coolest thing. Maybe they should make a CRAYON scented fragrance oil. :) Welcome to the board. I'm sure others will be able to chime in to help you with your question.


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Guest OldGlory

Hi spiffman! I am sorry, I have no information to share about Gulf paraffin wax, but I had to chuckle about setting around and grooving. Far out and right on.

It sounds like you might be on the path to more candle adventures after this box of wax is gone and I wanted to mention that there are a few good suppliers within a few hours drive of you (if you're in Charlotte, NC). You might want to skip HobLob altogether and get right to the good stuff, errr, the stuff we have experience with and for which we can share info.

In the meantime, hopefully someone will come along with the answers to your questions about the wax you have.

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HEE hee, sounds like we all understand crayon flavor candles.. Very cool and thank you. I'll figure it out in time but hoping for a recipe to start with... like should I add crisco or not?? ; ) oh and yes i'm checking out other places buy from...:grin2:

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Okay. For every one pound block of paraffin measure 1/4 cup of stearic and 1/2 tsp of vybar. Put your color in the bottom of your pour pot and add the stearic and vybar and paraffin. Put it over hot water that is at a hard simmer, but not boiling. When it reaches 200 degrees remove from the heat and stir until it hits 185-degrees. Add 1 Tablespoon of your fragrance oil and stir for a minute, then pour into your mold that you have prepared ahead of time. There are lots of places that go over how to pour into metal molds, so I won't go into that.

Be sure you don't pour 100% of the wax, you will need three pours for a three inch diameter mold and two or three for a two inch diameter.

As to wick, you will need an 18 ply flat braid or a #2 square braid for a two inch round and a 30 ply or a #4 square braid for a three inch round.

That's a starting point, depending on how much color you add, but it will get you a candle to "groove" with. :)

Sand candles are on my to do list for this summer. Have fun!!

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It would seem, from the few reply's, that most everyone has been in those old shoes of mine those many years ago. Chefmom thank you for the recipe : ) I'm going to make some right now. I never would have guessed that much strearic, awesome. I think I've got the right wicks.

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Chefmom, I made a few this past weekend trying your recipe. So far I'm getting a really good burn. Can't tell the throw but folks are coming by later we'll see.

On another note I was going to send you a PM but I'm not allowed in fact I find I'm not allowed to do or go any where on this site most of the time. Maybe its because I'm new to the site.....


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Chefmom, I made a few this past weekend trying your recipe. So far I'm getting a really good burn. Can't tell the throw but folks are coming by later we'll see.

On another note I was going to send you a PM but I'm not allowed in fact I find I'm not allowed to do or go any where on this site most of the time. Maybe its because I'm new to the site.....


Good to hear of your success!! Basic paraffin like that isn't designed for intense scent throw. It can only hold about 3% scents, and sometimes not that. That's why the manufacturer's have come up with higher scent load wax blends so that you can just buy the wax and then color and scent instead of trying to learn the molecular chemistry behind each additive and make your own recipes.

I love 4625 pillar paraffin and I use it as my paraffin and paraffin blend pillars. I can leave it as is for a translucent pillar, or add stearic for a more opaque candle. If you like the mottled affect then you can use something like 1343 blend.

If you use the basic slab paraffin that craft stores sell, you will need to add your own stearic, beeswax or vybar to make your own blend, it's an additive free paraffin, so it's just a starting point wax.

As for the private messages I believe that you have to have 30 days under your belt before you can do some things here. It's to keep spammers at bay I believe, but I'm not 100% positive as to the actual rules.

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