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Anyone soaped AH/RE's Barbershop 1920's?


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Actually someone in the fragrance section posted that they use it in CP and lotions and that they love it. I will definitely try it. If I remember correctly they mentioned no A but a slight tan D. Perfect for me as I want to make a GM shaving soap with it and would like a light tan/brown color for it. Now I just have to get me some.

Since I first posted this Soapalooza now has a Gentleman's Bay Rum on prebuy. The description is its the classic barbershop fragrance they used. So I guess I will have to test them both out as I am looking for that 'retro' barbershop classic scent.

I have tried several Bay Rums including Bay rum EO. But the old barbershop scent was a blend and just Bay Rum oil is only one of the ingredients.

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I'm heartbroken! Maybe I got a bad sample last week, but I made two bars of GM M&P, un-dyed and at high concentrations just to test the strength of the fragrance.

At 5% FO, my "throw" was very, very slight.

At 8% FO it was only barely detectable. It is a pleasant fragrance, though. My wife felt the same way. (I wouldn't market this product at this concentration.)

I have not actually used the soap. If I do and find that the scent increases, I will post again.

For the record, I noticed very little discoloration even after several days.

I'm reading nothing but great reviews so I'm pretty dismayed by this.

I wanted to rename it "Joe's Barbershop" in honor of my old barber. I had planned to send him some bars using his storefront or his image on the label.

It looks like I'm going to have to design my own fragrance. I already have a "recipe" in mind. I'll let you know how it turns out.


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To me 5% for M&P is too low. 8% is about right. I've put in as much as 2 tbs of FO pp of base. Most of the time I use 2-3 tsp (1 tbs or .5oz) pp of base and that works. Just those FOs that are weaker I use more.

For FOs like peppermint or cinnamon I'd stick strictly to recommended body safe % as these can irratate skin at higher amounts. I am assuming that higher % of the Barbershop FO will probably be just fine.

Best thing to to is try a test bar with the higher % in it. Or, let the ones you already made cure a bit longer. I find with M&P the soaps do better after a bit of cure. Also, with M&P the scents tend to 'pop' when you get the bar wet by using it.

Edited by Candybee
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To me 5% for M&P is too low. 8% is about right. I've put in as much as 2 tbs of FO pp of base. Most of the time I use 2-3 tsp (1 tbs or .5oz) pp of base and that works. Just those FOs that are weaker I use more.

For FOs like peppermint or cinnamon I'd stick strictly to recommended body safe % as these can irratate skin at higher amounts. I am assuming that higher % of the Barbershop FO will probably be just fine.

Best thing to to is try a test bar with the higher % in it. Or, let the ones you already made cure a bit longer. I find with M&P the soaps do better after a bit of cure. Also, with M&P the scents tend to 'pop' when you get the bar wet by using it.

I'm simply a soaping dummy!

As far as the concentrations go, I've only been basing my fragrance load on what the supplier's state. I'm super-scared of causing a problem for someone with a skin irritation or worse. Based on your advice, which I hold in the very highest esteem, it will mean that quite a few of the fragrances I have chosen to ignore may get another chance. I've already noticed that the scent can come alive in water and a short cure can change the intensity, color and scent character of M&P soap.

As a dude, I hate admitting this, but I am very sensitive to skin irritants. I always do the testing on myself first. I'm the cleanest person in the neighborhood as an added benefit! (lol)

I've had to get emergency treatments three times for allergic reactions to skin irritants. Once was so bad, I came very close to dying. I was in full-blown anaphylactic shock. I has passed out after calling my mother that I was afraid I was dying. I had just taken a shower to get whatever it was off of my skin. I woke up in the hospital with a half dozen nurses and doctors staring at me. Only adrenalin and steroid injections had save my life. That and the fact that my father kicked in the front door of my home and scooped me up my naked body and carried me off to the station wagon that my mother drove madly to the hospital. I was only 25 at the time. It was pretty scary. My parents both cried like babies as they worked on me. I could hear them from down the hall. It's something they never forget before their death. I won't either.

You've just turned a very rainy dreary day into a much happier one for me with your generous post.

Thanks, Candy!

I'm off to make some more soap. I have these "recipes" that keep "talking" to me!


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What did you use that affected you? Do you live close to James Patterson? I think he's teaching you to write mysteries & leave the important part out!!!!!

I'm simply a soaping dummy!

As far as the concentrations go, I've only been basing my fragrance load on what the supplier's state. I'm super-scared of causing a problem for someone with a skin irritation or worse. Based on your advice, which I hold in the very highest esteem, it will mean that quite a few of the fragrances I have chosen to ignore may get another chance. I've already noticed that the scent can come alive in water and a short cure can change the intensity, color and scent character of M&P soap.

As a dude, I hate admitting this, but I am very sensitive to skin irritants. I always do the testing on myself first. I'm the cleanest person in the neighborhood as an added benefit! (lol)

I've had to get emergency treatments three times for allergic reactions to skin irritants. Once was so bad, I came very close to dying. I was in full-blown anaphylactic shock. I has passed out after calling my mother that I was afraid I was dying. I had just taken a shower to get whatever it was off of my skin. I woke up in the hospital with a half dozen nurses and doctors staring at me. Only adrenalin and steroid injections had save my life. That and the fact that my father kicked in the front door of my home and scooped me up my naked body and carried me off to the station wagon that my mother drove madly to the hospital. I was only 25 at the time. It was pretty scary. My parents both cried like babies as they worked on me. I could hear them from down the hall. It's something they never forget before their death. I won't either.

You've just turned a very rainy dreary day into a much happier one for me with your generous post.

Thanks, Candy!

I'm off to make some more soap. I have these "recipes" that keep "talking" to me!


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My dear pal in the "Volunteer State":

(You asked for it!)

I'll let you know as long as you don't tell another sole!

The two times that I was treated most recently, my face and lips swelled severely. My eyes were so swollen I couldn't see, but my lips hurt the worse. Once episode was a result of using a new aftershave. The other was from lip balm. As a result, I will NEVER make and sell lip balm.

The most severe reaction took place shortly after I helped a friend work on his boat in preparation for a planned fishing trip. It was speculated that a chemical agent in the boat's bilge compartment was the irritant.

I began to itch about my ears and inside my mouth about the time I arrived home from prepping the boat. My wife and daughter and I had been invited to join my parents and my brothers at my grandmother's for a feast of chicken and dumplings. I was really looking forward to the evening. I love chicken and dumplings. My grandmother was a fantastic cook, too.

I decided to take a quick shower before my hospital nurse wife got off work and picked up our daughter at the babysitter's.

Within moments after beginning to shower, I sensed something serious was going on. I actually watched hives erupt and spread from my face to my groin area in less than a minute. My heart felt as if it would burst, I could barely breath and I had virtually turned purple. I dropped to the floor, still dripping wet, after making the call to my parents who lived less than ten minutes away. The telephone handset was left hanging.

When my wife arrived home she found the front door kicked in and the phone handset dangling. The bedspread was missing, too. I learned later that my mother didn't want her son to be seen naked. My wife called the police. She didn't know I was in the emergency ward that she had just left a short time earlier. She thought I had been abducted.

About 10:00 PM that night I awoke in my own bedroom to find my entire family gathered about my bed. My mother was still crying. She told everyone that she felt that God had spared me from dying in Vietnam only to be killed by some unknown chemical in a boat's bilge.

My wife remained in the living room. She knew my mother didn't like her and she was angry that my dad had kicked in the door even though my brothers had made repairs. She was the least concerned about my health.

The family dinner was cancelled as was my fishing trip. A year or so later my wife cancelled our marriage, too, but that's another story.

Something good did come out of this incident, though.

A few years later I was performing a routine inspection in a middle school's cafeteria when a twelve year old boy collapsed during the lunch period. In addition to being a health inspector I was also a certified Para-medic and volunteer firefighter.

Teachers agreed that the unconscious boy was pulling a prank. Following a quick examination, I knew better, I told them to call for an ambulance and report a student in severe anaphylactic shock and to have the school nurse immediately bring epinephrine if she had any in her medical supply cabinet.

She found and brought some, but refused to administer it, insisting that the boy was faking the attack. I snatched it from her and treated the child. The school principal was seriously upset with me, until the other paramedics arrived and confirmed what I already knew.

The boy survived and if my calculations are correct he should be more than 50 years old now. That is if he's remembered to watch out for his severe peanut allergy and he's been lucky, otherwise.

I heard it was quite some time before the school board put peanut butter and jelly sandwiches back on their lunch program again as it had been on the day of the attack.

If I hadn't had my own episode with anaphylaxis, I may have just stood and watched with others while a young boy died.

There was nothing heroic about the incident, but there sure was some seriously fortunate timing of a health inspection. I don't believe in coincidences.

Sorry for the book, but you did ask for details. I hope this clears up any unintentional suspense I may have burdened you with. Sorry!

Remember . . . Please don't tell anyone else! Let's keep this our secret!


Edited by emilyspoppy
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I soap the FO and dont have much problems with it except for very slight acceleration, however I do discount my water.

Ive attached a pic of the soap with that fo in it.

It smells very much like shaving cream or barbasol. Its not a big seller but I do have one customer that comes to me every week to buy a bar of it. Its the only soap she buys.post-11525-139458512422_thumb.jpg

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