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Nag Champa anyone?


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I am looking for a STRONG thrower, but aren't we all lol. I use Clarus Parasoy @ 1.5 oz FO per lb. I have tried Genwax and Peak and get great cold throw and no hot throw. Peaks surprises me because I usually get great hot throw with their oils and the reviews are great. I tried AH flower child love the cold throw but very faint hot throw. Anybody have a suggestion on who has a great hot thrower? TIA

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Thank you for the replies. I have never tried NG for FO. I'm going to have to check them out I know a friend of mine orders B & B stuff there and is pleased. Maybe I have just gonna spoiled by Nag Champa incense! I wanna walk in the room and really smell it. I wish someone would have picked up Tradewinds Katmandu fragrance. I love it!

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I am looking for a STRONG thrower, but aren't we all lol. I use Clarus Parasoy @ 1.5 oz FO per lb. I have tried Genwax and Peak and get great cold throw and no hot throw. Peaks surprises me because I usually get great hot throw with their ils and the reviews are great. I tried AH flower child love the cold throw but very faint hot throw. Anybody have a suggestion on who has a great hot thrower? TIA

I can not remember where I read this so I can't give you a reference but maybe some others who know will chime in here: just like if you use too little FO you won't get good hot throw, isn't it also possible to use too much FO and that loses good hot throw? Like I said, I don't know the science behind that, and it seems counter to what you'd think would happen, but I picked that up somewhere. I mention that for your case because I thought the Clarus wax was a good thrower (better than 100% soy) and didn't need 1.5 oz to perform well.

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If you warm the candle on a candle warmer (or a scoop of the wax on a tart warmer) does it throw?

I have never had a Nag Champa not blow me away in soy at 1 oz PPO max when properly wicked. I have used all listed above except for BB. Could you have a wicking issue?

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Nag Champa from NG was one of the very (very) few oils I was happy with from them. The first time I made it, the scent stayed in my drapes, carpet, nose hairs....for a long time.

I found CS's to be a little too sweet.

Since I didn't buy anything else from NG, I migrated to Tony's, which has had so many management changes I'm not sure what it is these days:


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Thank you for all of the suggestions. I think it may be a wicking issue as well. I have not tried it on a warmer I am going to throw one on a warmer a see what I get! You know I just recently got turned on to AH and I love their oils just got their Neroli and Lavender today and they smell awesome OOB! It seems like most of the ones I like are Patchouli blends.

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I have not tried it on a warmer I am going to throw one on a warmer a see what I get!

Be careful with those. A friend of mine had a container candle on a warmer burst. The wax in the bottom gets heated, expands, can't expand upward because of the still solid wax there, so it expands against the jar and bursts. I won't use them because I read of this issue repeatedly.

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