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New Fragrance Oils at Candle Science


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Candle Science has added three new scents to their line.

Orange and Goji Berry

Pineapple Coconut

Citron and Mandarin

I can't wait to slap these babies in some wax. I am super excited and was hoping for some more citrus scents for summer. I will let you all know how they test in soy wax. :yay:

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Oh!!! Let us know! Do you already have them? If you have them give us a smell oo the bottle review or when you get them give us a review! Would love to hear what you think! That Orange and Goji Berry and Citron and Mandarin sound delish! :)

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I ordered them on Monday and had them on Wednesday. My nose isn't all that great but I will give a review as best as I can.

Orange and Gogi Berry - is very nice out of bottle. :drool: You can smell both the berries and the orange which is not overpowering the berry scent. It will make a very nice citrus scent. I don't know what a Gogi Berry is but it smells somewhat like an elderberry or blackberry if I had to gander a guess. :laugh2: I can tell you that I don't think that this would give a fuel smell when burning because the scents seem to mesh well together.

Citron and Mandarin - this I'm not so sure about. I smell the mandarin but the citron is there for sure. It almost smells like cleaning supplies to me. It will be interesting to see if it mellows in the wax. I'll be honest I prefer the orange and gogi berry out of the bottle. :lipsrseal

Island Coconut - came labeled as Pineapple coconut. You can smell the pineapple for sure and the coconut. Makes me think Tropical Island..... Right about now after this winter, I think this could be a big seller. LOL The pineapple in this fragrance reminds me of Maui Mt. Pineapple from Candle Cacoon (I think that's spelled right) and I didn't care for it, but the coconut I think will mellow the pineapple down once it is in the wax.

These are just my opinions. These are out of bottle reviews. Who knows I may have a new favorite once I get these in some wax.

I also ordered:

Sex on the Beach

Passionfruit and Guava

Strawberry Shortcake

Cranberry Marmalade

Caramel Popcorn - it will be interesting to see if this stacks up against AH/RE version.

Have a good day everyone. :yay:

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I made a mock up list the day I got the email of the sale and my order was way too long. I downsized this past Friday and although still long I only ordered things I know I want to experiment with and not just ordered on impulse. Island Coconut was most def on the list!

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