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Help with 6006

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II've been testing a bunch of different waxes and even though I've heard great things about 6006, I haven't been able to achieve a CT or HT even remotely close to what I've managed to achieve with C3 and GW464.

I've tried adding fragrance as low as 120 and as high as 170.  I've tried both CDN wicks and HTP wicks.  I've tried FO sex on the beach and pink grapefruit.

I love love love the finish of 6006, but what am I doing wrong that I'm not getting the amazing scent throw I've read about?

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I started with 6006 and it had super good hot throw.  Adding the FO at 170 is way too low.  I heated to 190 and added FO right after taking it out of the presto pot so by then it was likely 185 and then stirred for a good minute.  The only reason I stopped using it was because it was so soft and I was worried about summer heat and mailing.  Try adding your FO at a much higher temp.  I always let it cure for about four days as well because of the soy in it.

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Thanks guys, I tried adding the FO at 190 yesterday and will cure it for a few days and see how I go.  So far, the cold throw is not too promising compared with the C3.


I'll try your suggestion Steve and see how it compares.

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