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I need your opinions on pricing...


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I like the simplicity of $1/oz retail and .50/oz wholesale. But I do retail a 16oz jar for $20 without any arguments ... and it's not even something I pour myself! So that's more like .63/oz wholesale ... get specific on them like that and they will think you've really done your homework!

Remember, they're also saving GOBS on shipping now too.... tack on your cost of delivery ... at least in your own figuring. :)

You do need to consider yourself 'the help' when you're figuring the labor cost in (and you ABSOLUTELY figure the labor cost in) ... what's the job worth, not 'what do I want to earn'. Truth is, hiring for pouring might not be a whole lot more than a min wage job, right? And you have to remember that hiring for payroll generally costs 2x that amount out of pocket when you figure in ss and work comp, etc ...

Maybe better to look forward to never hiring anyone ('cept maybe family <grin>) and keeping your production sized and priced at a point where you're making a living and staying sane. Been there done that with a line of sandblasted glassware (aka. the Coldwater Creek fiasco) ... will NEVER go back again.

Good luck with your adventure ... sounds like quite the learning experience!

And be sure you're always having fun, eh?


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I like the simplicity of $1/oz retail and .50/oz wholesale. But I do retail a 16oz jar for $20 without any argumentsAndrea

But, if you didnt have to pay for your jar.... 1.00 a ounce would be right in line for a retail price, right? Keep your eye on ebay for a melter, I just passed up 3 melters a guy had, each were 10 gallon, aprox 55 lb wax for 100.00 each and 30.00 shipping each. I was going to pick up one, but let it slip by without bidding. The brand was Waage.... expensive new and very commercial units. Bruce

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It sounds like Kristine's pricing is in line with Bruce's. I believe both of them are in the business at this time. I would listen to them--it sounds like your idea of $1 per candle was right on target.

Right you are. :)

I'd still hint around at a bit more and try to feel them out, but, then, I'm a greedy shit that way.

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