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Fragrance mixes


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So today I was going to try to do a mix for a soap with Wild Raspberry and Lilac - only to find out that I have no Raspberry scents AT ALL. No BRV, no WR, nothing. 

So instead, I'm going to concoct a scent that seems like it will be ridiculous, but you never know until you try, right? 


I'm going to mix Lime with Rose and see what I come up with. I may also try the lime with Lilac as well. 

The reason I'm thinking this, is I've mixed lime with ylang ylang, and love it, I have a violet-lime that I really like, so apparently lime mixes well with florals, so we'll see. I may end up with a really disgusting scent, OR I may end up with a winner. 

Who knows?? LOL 

I'll let  you know how it turns out. 




(ETA: Poo - I posted this in soapmaking, because I was thinking "make soap" if it has to be moved, please do so - sorry mods!!) 

Edited by Jcandleattic
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I like giving it a day or so to meld and calm a bit. Yesterday it was horrid. LMAO But today you get a nice rose scent first that balances out with a citrus-y fresh scent. 

I'm not in love with it, but I don't hate it. Maybe it will change in soap? 

I do have a blend that I really am just "meh" about once mixed, but man once I get it in soap and it's cured, it's one of my favorites. 


This is why I love blending so much. You just really never know what you are going to get until you have the end product. 

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I mixed equal parts Jungle World, Winter Wonderland, Winter Candy Apple, Rose Jam and Salted Caramel(FB) for a Valentine cp soap. Its very nice IMHO and evenly balanced. Patch goes with anything and the evergreen and apple notes blend nicely with the rose giving the feminine touch of sweetness. However, it accelerated in a 100% gm lye solution and I barely got my heart imbed (column mold from BB) into the mold (Quiet Girl's formula). I was so hacked that it almost went in the garbage but it turned out pretty nice. I blend fos like cooking a stew (little bit of this and a litttle bit of that), lol.


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