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Revisiting anhydrous lanolin


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Still looking for options for subbing lanolin in my all veggie men's shaving soaps. What is working so far is a blend of glycerin, cupuaco butter, and castor oil added after the cook. It seems to do the trick. The shaving cream is moisturizing and creates a nice barrier and provides good slip for shaving.


But its not quite the same as lanolin. Close. But as always I keep thinking I should experiment to see if I can make improvements.


For my 'animal fats' shaving soaps I add lanolin and glycerin after the cook and it makes an amazing shaving soap. But with my all veggie men's shaving soap line the lanolin is not an option.


It should be an additive I add after the soap is cooked. Lately I have been seriously thinking of using white petrolatum. Its the same stuff they use in vaseline and for diaper rash formulations with petroleum jelly. I've been reading up on the history and use of white petrolatum and feel its highly underated. Its actually an amazing gel that can be used in so many applications and has great lubrication and healing properties.


But I wonder if 'white petrolatum' on the soap label would be a turnoff to customers? Plus, I am still looking for suppliers that carry the stuff. It used to be you could find it pretty easily as an additive for paraffin container wax. But now I can't seem to find it in the usual places.

Edited by Candybee
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You might want to re-think that CB. Petrolatum is called one of the dirty dozen additives and is considered a cancer hazard. Just type in the word and a lot of stuff comes up and none of it is good. I've use it in soy based candle blends when the candle is too brittle and adhesion is poor. I don't think it would work so well in a shaving soap IMHO.



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So you're saying the petroleum jelly used in baby products and vaseline causes cancer? The ingredient in vaseline is listed as white petrolatum. After decades of use it now causes cancer? :huh:  That just sounds like part of the petroleum hype and I am finding it hard to believe that vaseline is a cancer causing product.


In any event, whether it does or doesn't cause cancer if the general public perception is that it does it would definitely be a turnoff. *shudder*

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I'm not sure the public would be familiar with the term itself. Just saying that there were a number of negative articles. Its like paraffin is the most evil substance in the known universe because its made from petroleum. I do know some folks that won't use vaseline or get their kids vaccinated. Go figure.

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I did like you suggested and did a little search on the internet. Seems the bad stuff I read was from places like the Huffington Post which is not the best scientific source I would bet my life on. In two seperate articles they both ended up mentioning pros as well as the cons and agree that Vaseline brand petroleum is so super refined all the carcinogenic components are removed. But then it goes on to say they don't trust other non-Vaseline products because they don't know how thorough the refinement is or if all the carcinogenic compounds have been removed. Sounds like a bunch of hoopla to me. (Snorting in derision here!)


So far I am finding more good news rather than bad and the bad is more opinion rather than fact based or is spinned in such a manner to appear to be bad.


But what it did was help me decide that if I ever want to test it out I look for a reliable source such as Vaseline.

Edited by Candybee
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