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A RE-introduction

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Hi all! My name is Candle Kitty and I've been a member of Candletech forums now for just over a year now, give or take. I'm a candle addict.

I've been away for a bit yet AGAIN because of helping a friend and her family out (I moved them in, there went my energy to create) and as of tomorrow, I will no longer have said house guests and I couldn't be more thrilled because I can make my pillars again!! To boot, it's an off weekend, only me, my house, my wax, my cats. I'm so excited, I feel like a puppy with a full bladder!:confused:

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm back AGAIN (I get tired of these breaks, I've missed every one of you guys) and even though I haven't been around, doesn't mean I didn't think of you guys a lot and I DID manage to get in one day of pouring so as soon as I get a camera, I'll be taking pictures and posting.

I'm glad I'm home, I've been very homesick this last month, can't wait to get back into the mix!!


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It's good to know there's somewhere to go when you're down and out. :)

Welcome back. The aliens have been asking about you.

My home is always open to those in need, if this doesn't shift my karma this lifetime, I don't where I went wrong in the other past ones! I give warm beds, warm lap kitties, a good hug or cuddle and I make a mean pot of potato soup or chili, my meatloaf is a killer and to boot, I make my spaghetti and meatballs from scratch!

Unfortunately though, these house guests ended up draining me dry without any kind of financial help, it will take me at least four months to dig out of, plus still try to get my candles going, so the pics may be sporadic at best until things calm down.

And as for the aliens, Top, HA, I found a way to duck out of their radar........

I used fourteen rolls of aluminum foil and foiled my roof.:tiptoe:

Thanks all, I've missed everyone. Been an Enigmatic Lurker the last couple of days and wasn't sure where to jump into. Warm Welcome's always puts things back into perspective sometimes *sneezes head off, coughs* If you'll excuse me, time for work and I hear my brood starting up the Catnapolis.

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Hey Kitty...what's with the signature. It is tracking me and a friend of mine. It knows who we are and who are servers are. Who is Dana? I am not sure that I like this. Donita
Don't worry, it's benign. The image is loaded from a website and every web server knows your IP number or it wouldn't be able to send anything to your computer. Most of what you see is info sent out by your own computer. The host name is a simple reverse DNS lookup (public information about who ranges of IP numbers are assigned to).

Every time you load a page here on the board, you are actually hitting several different sites to get all the forum content, avatars, advertisements, etc. Each one of those sites knows these things about you. CK's signature just gives it back to show you.

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Don't worry, it's benign. The image is loaded from a website and every web server knows your IP number or it wouldn't be able to send anything to your computer. Most of what you see is info sent out by your own computer. The host name is a simple reverse DNS lookup (public information about who ranges of IP numbers are assigned to).

Every time you load a page here on the board, you are actually hitting several different sites to get all the forum content, avatars, advertisements, etc. Each one of those sites knows these things about you. CK's signature just gives it back to show you.

Top's right honey, I wouldn't put anything in a signature that would harm anyone else's computer. The name of the website is Danasoft.com, they've got a bunch of different signatures, you can make your own and some are really silly. I saw it on another forum I'm a member of (Civ 3, the game that kept me sane these last few weeks), scared me the first time I saw it because the one that caught my eye said the same thing and at the bottom of the sign, it said 'you have a virus'. Then I realized what it was and cracked up so I HAD to make one. It actually shows my information to me when I'm on here, but I don't see anyone else's.

As for the home, today is the day! Already my bedroom is mine again, the bathroom is cleared out, the kitchen is clean. All that's left is their stuff in the living room and it's peace and quiet again! Thank the Gods, this cold is quickly turning into a nuisance, I wait for an hour before I sneeze and in between sneezes, my eyes water like I'm bawling and I have two tissues up my nose. Boss thought that was real professional, I told him 'well would it be more professional if I was walking around dripping snot and germs everywhere?' He went to QuikTrip and got me more tissues, what a sweetie, LMAO!!!!

Have to work tonight but wanted to ease your mind, Aunt D, you've nothing to worry about! Now if you'll excuse me, I have two doses of Darvocet waiting in the bedroom, time to get myself into a drug induced semi-coma so I can pour my wax this weekend!! I'm DYING to pour!!

:bliss: :whoohoo: :bump: *getdown*

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I didn't lose sleep over it. I didn't think that YOU would do anything to screw with our computers. A friend of mine emailed me and said that when she went to Dana it said personal things to her.....so I went there and it knew things about me too. I guess that is why it is called the web. We are all "caught up" in it. LOL......Can you imagine the files that our government must have to keep on all of us. LOL.... Auntie Donita

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